2011년 2월 17일 목요일

등록금 인상으로 고통받는 대학생들

Students cry foul over soaring fees


Worried housewife Han cannot stop frowning these days when she thinks of her twins, who are to enter universities in March.

“Enrollment fees cost a fortune. Paying more than 10 million won ($8,900) a year for each child is out of my range,” the 47-year-old said.

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2011년 2월 16일 수요일

주식王 버핏, 다음달 21일 한국 방문

Buffett to visit Korea in March


Warren Buffett will visit South Korea in March to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for TaeguTec Ltd.’s second plant, which will double its production capacity.

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오세훈 시장, "의회에 막힌 사업, 예비 자금으로 충당"

Mayor Oh vows to proceed with pet projects


Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon said Tuesday that he would spend reserve funds to continue the city’s projects that have been suspended due to the opposition of the city council.

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한국의 아름드리 산에 외국인들이 관심을 갖는 이유?

Expat climbers work to conserve routes


For expat rock climbers, the unique beauty of Korean mountain ranges has a way of stealing their hearts.

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2011년 2월 14일 월요일

삼성전자, 갤럭시S2 공개

Samsung unveils upgraded Galaxy S, Galaxy Tab
Samsung Electronics unveiled the upgraded versions of its flagship smartphone Galaxy S and its tablet PC Galaxy Tab in an event one day before the launch of the global mobile industry show in Barcelona on Sunday.

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기록적 폭설로 뒤덮인 동해안

East coast blanketed after record snowfall
A record snowfall almost paralyzed city life on Korea’s east coast over the weekend, as officials and soldiers struggled to restore normal life.
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이화여대 로스쿨, "남성 차별 vs 학교의 원칙은 지켜져야"

Men decry Ewha’s women-only policy


Ewha Womans University Law School could be forced to accept male students, breaking the university’s 125-year tradition and raising question about its identity.

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