2010년 6월 23일 수요일

아시아 각국의 전통 문화를 뽐내다


Asians show off traditional cultures




Pyounghwa Plaza in World Cup Park in Mapo-gu was filled with unfamiliar sights on Sunday as people from different Asian countries gathered to introduce their traditional cultures.

The annual “Asia Culture Festival,” hosted by the Asia Culture Festival Organizing Committee and supported by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, was held under the theme “One Asia,” aiming to provide a venue to experience different Asian cultures and thus improve understanding of neighboring countries.

Visitors crowded at the “Asian Village” where booths representing each participating country -- Thailand, Mongolia, Vietnam, Japan, Nepal, China, Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Malaysia, India and South Korea -- were set up.



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