2010년 6월 11일 금요일

[Rediscover Seoul(82)]한옥: 전통과 아름다움을 한 번에


[Rediscover Seoul(82)]

Hanok: Quest for beauty, tradition




It’s a wonderful time of the year with bright sunshine and a cool breeze. Everything around us is so precious and beautiful that we do not want to miss any of it. Sometimes, staying in the city is boring. As the weekend comes, you pick up a tour guidebook or a metro map. However, there are houses where you can fully enjoy the beauty of nature while inside. They are traditional houses of Korea -- hanok.

Hanok are built in a totally different way from modern buildings made of cement, glass, and rebar. They are made of stone, wood and clay -- natural materials. Hanok has also adapted to the climate and customs of Korea over thousands of years. However, as cities expanded and things changed rapidly, hanok were regarded as inconvenient living spaces and disappeared very quickly. Today, Korean people typically live in an apartment. Fortunately, an increasing number of people understand the significance and value of hanok.


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