2010년 6월 28일 월요일

[East Sea(6)] 중국 문학에 표기되어 있는 동해



[East Sea (6)] References to East Sea in Chinese literature




Han Maoli is a professor at the College of Environmental Sciences at Peking University.

The sea area to the east of the Korean Peninsula, which is located west of the Japanese archipelago and southwest of Sakhalin (Ku Ye Island), is called either the “East Sea” or “Sea of Japan.” The documents of ancient China indicate that this sea area began to have its own name during the Tang (唐) Dynasty (618-907), nearly 1,500 years ago. At that time, the sea area was called “Xiao Sea” (小海), “Shao Sea” (少海) or “Southern Sea” (南海) by Chinese people. But the meaning of the name only refers to parts of the sea area to the east of the Korean Peninsula, not the whole area. We can confirm that the documents of the Tang Dynasty did not contain the proper name referring to this whole sea area.


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