2010년 5월 4일 화요일

국내 외국인을 위한 특별 사진공모전


Take your best shot at a free camera




Genuine photo competitions for expats in Korea are few and far between. Of course, each week we have a challenge within the Seoul Photo Club -- the last two week‘s winners are displayed in Expat Living, and the SPC also runs the monthly competition for Groove Korea magazine. But the competition coming up on June 6 is very different.

What’s so unique about it? Probably the biggest thing is that while being largely organized by the Seoul Photo Club, Flickr in Seoul, Seoul Strobist Club and Hyosung Camera, it‘s being run under the auspices of the Korean Professional Photographers Association. This is very significant in terms of exposing expat photography in this country to the professional Korean photographic community.


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