2010년 5월 19일 수요일

현악4중주의 최고봉 '에머슨 스트링 콰르텟'


The Emerson String Quartet to stay true




They may not be the “three musketeers” because there are four of them.

But to the Emerson String Quartet, one of the longest lasting and most successful in the history of string quartets, having one more in the group is rather the magic to reinforcing the depth and strength of their bond both in friendship and music.

“Thirty-three years ago, people frowned upon us for our two violinists taking turns being the first and second violin; they thought it was out of convention, but now people see how that works with all of us; it’s a quartet of equals,” said violist Lawrence Dutton. “We’ve been fortunate that we all get along, because it’s not very easy for quartets to do so.”


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