2009년 12월 31일 목요일

해외로 진출하는 한국 남성옷


Showroom director takes Korean menswear to U.S.




Richard Chun is a serious devotee of fashion. But rather than save every penny to buy a designer dud, he hits sample sales.


"I never buy my things at regular price," Chun, managing director of his own showroom, told The Korea Herald. "I buy everything under $200, everything"...



read full article: "Showroom director takes Korean menswear to U.S."

한식열풍 도쿄에 퍼지다



Korean cuisine makes big strides in Japan




TOKYO - It was a rainy Saturday evening in early December when I made an unscheduled visit to Daejanggeum, a Korean restaurant located near Shin-Okubo Station in downtown Tokyo. Considering the location of the restaurant - situated just one station away from Shinjuku, Shin-Okubo houses one of the biggest "Korea towns" in Japan - it was surprising to see the restaurant full of happy Japanese diners at around half past eight...



read full article: "Korean cuisine makes big strides in Japan"

아디오 2009



The sun sets over the mountains along the Nakdong River in Samrangjin, South Gyeongsang Province, yesterday. [Park Hyun-koo/The Korea Herald]

2009년 12월 30일 수요일

서울 노인들의 성생활



How seniors meet sexual needs




Nearly two out of every 10 senior citizens in Seoul have solicited sex with prostitutes in recent years, according to a survey released by Seoul City yesterday.


In the survey of 1,000 citizens aged 65 or older, 16.2 percent of the respondents said they had had sex with prostitutes...



read full article:  "How seniors meet sexual needs"

서울 최고의 케밥 음식점들

The best kebabs in Korea


Seoul Eats If you happen to run into Rami Mohammed from Yemen, don't mix up kebabs and shwarma.

Mohammed didn't call the chicken or lamb dish cooked on a rotating spit and wrapped in tortilla with pickles, lettuce, tomatoes and a sauce "kebab." He called this dish shwarma...



read full article: The best kebabs in Korea

2009년 12월 29일 화요일

한국, 초대형 원전 사업 수주




Korea wins landmark nuclear deal



Korean companies yesterday won one of the world's largest nuclear power plant (원자력 발전소) deals, estimated to be worth $40 billion (47조원 규모로 추정되는), in the United Arab Emirates.

Korea Electric Power Corp. and Emirates Nuclear Energy Corp. signed a $20 billion deal to build four nuclear power plants (200억 달러 규모의 원전 건설 계약을 체결했다) by 2020. It would generate additional $20 billion contract for operation and maintenance (추가적으로 운영과 유지를 위한 200억 달러 규모의 계약을 가져올 것이다) for 60 years, Seoul officials said...



전체기사+해석읽기:  "Korea wins landmark nuclear deal"

사라지는 종로의 길거리 음식


No more street snacks in Jongno




In the New Year, Jongno will be clear of all street vendors (길거리 상인들), with the remaining ones removed to a nearby designated district by year-end, said Seoul City officials yesterday.

Under a project to redesign the downtown Jongno area, the city has been relocating the vendors from main streets to special commercial districts...



read full article: "No more street snacks in Jongno"

외국인을 위한 대구의 10가지 소식들


Daegu's top expat news of the past year




DAEGU - Daegu seems to be in that perfect little zone that carefully bridges metropolitan city and traditional roots.

It's evolving every year and we expats(국외거주자들; 한국에 사는 외국인들) are witness to it. Anyone who has been around and has had their eyes open, will attest to having witnessed big changes in the past several years.

The internationalizing of Daegu is underway. Careful, or you might just miss it.

1. Daegu Pockets brings together Daegu

My shamelessly biased plug has relevance for the top spot. No single event or story in Daegu's 2009 has broadly impacted the local expat community in the same way that our monthly, bilingual magazine has done...



read full article:  "Daegu's top expat news of the past year "

2009년 12월 28일 월요일

서울의 아름다운 겨울야경 4곳


Four major gates host Seoul's nighttime viewing




Seoul is famous for its beautiful night scenes. Splendid lights over the skyline of high buildings and characteristic lighting on dozens of bridges are fantastic. "Seoul Night Festival 2009" will soon be underway to make these night views more beautiful.

Gwanghwamun Square

During winter nights, the neighborhood of Gwanghwamun Square is transformed into a huge multiplex. Buildings become 100-meter sized screens on which dynamic images are projected. A dynamic musical accompaniment (반주) enhances the mood. Lights which eliminate the darkness and express new hope are contrasted with a cold night sky and emit their beauty, which should bring delight to Seoulites and a brief respite from the cold...




read full article:  "Four major gates host Seoul's nighttime viewing"

탑 2010 카운트다운 파티들


Top 2010 countdown parties




Perhaps the best way to shed the skin of an old year and step into a new one is on the dance floor.

Here's a selection of Seoul's prime countdown fiestas.

Top pick: Steve Aoki

Most know him as the long-tressed brother of model sister Devon Aoki and as the son of the Benihana goliath, the late Rocky Aoki. They also know him as the CEO who moonlights as a DJ by night and runs Dim Mak Records (the label that released artists from Diplo and MSTRKRFT) by day...



read full article:  "Top 2010 countdown parties"


2009년 12월 24일 목요일

설경구 류승범 '용서는 없다'



Sul, Ryu ignite screen in new thriller




What do you do when a serial killer has enough power over you to compromise your role as a forensics pathologist? That is the moral quandary that puts forensics investigator Kang Min-ho walking a tightrope in director Kim Hyung-joon's latest thriller, "No Mercy."




read full article:  "No Mercy"


2009년 12월 23일 수요일

신종플루와 경제난파로 앓는 공연들



Performing arts suffer from recession, H1N1





On top of the harsh economic conditions that continued from last year, the flu pandemic dealt a blow to (~에 타격을 가하다)  the local performing arts industry this year.

While the musical industry managed to cope with the unfavorable conditions by offering safe shows, the classical music industry failed to draw audiences.



read full article:  "Performing arts suffer from recession, H1N1"

우포늪에서 즐기는 겨울



Wetlands, hiking, and hard-boiled eggs




CHANGNYEONG-GUN, South Gyeongsang Province - If you're an outdoorsy type willing to brave the biting winter cold to do some purposeful traveling, Changnyeong-gun should be a consideration.

From trekking (힘들게 전진하다, 여행하다) through a Ramsar-protected wetland (늪) area that is rich in wildlife to hiking mountains - and then topping it off with a relaxing dip in the wide range of hot springs resorts - the Changnyeong county offers the perfect balance of relaxation and leisure...



read full article: "Wetlands, hiking, and hard-boiled eggs"

뉴욕타임즈 지면에 광고낸 무한도전


Bibimbap ad lands in NYT




The members of the MBC TV reality show "Infinite Challenge" have put a full-page advertisement for bibimbap in the New York Times.

Their action follows an episode promoting Korean food in New York and was done jointly with national publicity specialist Seo Kyoung-duk - an honorary professor at Sungshin Women's University...


read full article: "Bibimbap ad lands in NYT"



2009년 12월 21일 월요일

남자 아이돌 그룹의 수난시대






Girls flex muscles as boy bands blunder




2009 was the year the girls thrived while members of popular boy bands made one blunder after another sparking a shift in local pop trends.

It was a year riddled with bad omens for Korean boy bands.

Park Jae-beom of 2PM, no doubt, created the most noise this year when he stirred the media pot with an expletive-strewn message he had posted on the popular social networking site MySpace....




read full article: "Girls flex muscles as boy bands blunder"

2009년 12월 18일 금요일

[코리아헤럴드] 광화문 광장 아이스링크



Glide through life at Gwanghwamun Square




Gwanghwamun: the heart of Seoul. This is the name of the main gate to Gyeongbokgung (Palace), a symbol of the Joseon Dynasty. But this gigantic structure holds more meaning than that. It is the name of a place that has witnessed upheavals during Korea's past, and is a nostalgic site where anyone wants to walk together with a special someone...




read full article: "Glide through life at Gwanghwamun Square"



[코리아헤럴드] 각종 크리스마스 이벤트 및 행사



Holiday season events




Festivals and events 2009 Seoul Festival of Light

The festival will take place from Dec. 19 to Jan. 18 in and around Seoul, with displays concentrated in Gwanghwamun and surrounding downtown buildings and landmarks.

An ice skating complex will open in Gwanghwamun Square, featuring three rinks. One rink each for beginning skaters, advanced skaters, and one for sledding. Cost is a mere 1,000 won per hour, including skate rental, and the rinks are open every day from 10 a.m.-10 p.m....



find more about Christmas events here: "Holiday season events"


2009년 12월 17일 목요일

[영어뉴스따라잡기] 대학생 어학연수 2배 이상 증가

Number of students on overseas language courses jumps



대학생 어학연수 2배 이상 증가

The number of undergraduate and graduate students taking language training courses abroad (해외로 연수를 가는 대학, 대학원생의 숫자) has more than doubled over the last eight years (8년 사이 2배 이상 증가).


According to government data released yesterday (어제 공개된 정부 자료에 따르면), the number stood at 98,644 as of April 1 (어학연수생의 숫자는 4월 1일 기준으로 총 9만 8,644명), up from 40,782 in 2001, when the Education Ministry began compiling data on Korean students studying overseas (해외에서 공부하는 한국 학생들의 숫자를 2001년부터 교육부가 집계했다).






전체기사 읽기:   "Number of students on overseas language courses jumps"

[오늘의명언] 아인슈타인

"Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value."
Albert Einstein

[코리아헤럴드] 리먼 사태로부터 회복하는 시장


Markets recover from post-Lehman downturn




Korea's financial markets recovered from the impact of a global banking crisis, with the main stock index KOSPI and won-dollar exchange rates recovering to the pre-crisis levels...



read full article: Markets recover from post-Lehman downturn


[코리아헤럴드] 케이블 TV의 해 였던 올해



2009 proves promising year for cable TV





Though KBS, SBS and MBC still maintained their hold over the drama market, 2009 proved to be a promising year for cable television. While the three major broadcasting networks waged the usual ratings war with a mix of melodrama, rom-com, action blockbusters and period pieces, cable channels Mnet and tvN raked in relatively high viewer shares...



read full article:  "2009 proves promising year for cable TV"

2009년 12월 16일 수요일

[코리아헤럴드] 해리포터에 누드신



Nude scene for Harry Potter in new film




Harry Potter stars Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson are poised to shock fans by featuring nude scenes in the next film “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.”




전체 기사+ 번역 읽기:   Nude scene for Harry Potter in new film

[코리아헤럴드] 연인과 가봄직한 '러브 앤 팝 아트' 전시회



Pop artists make splash in Seoul




Adding to the festive spirit of the season, there are two exhibtions of fun and cheerful pop art underway in Seoul.


Love-themed artwork by five world-renowned pop artists including Robert Indiana, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Tom Wesselmann and Roy Lichtenstein are on display at the exhibition "Love and Pop Art" in 63 Sky Art Gallery, situated on the 60th floor of the 63 building in Yeouido.



read full article: "Pop artists make splash in Seoul"


2009년 12월 15일 화요일

[코리아헤럴드] 돈 아낄 수 있는 10가지 쉬운 방법



Ten easy ways to save some cash


There are plenty of ways to save money other than coupon-clipping. For starters, the Seoul Global Center offers plenty of programs that will help you learn Korean on the cheap, or even give you advice on how to start your own business.

But besides that, try making a budget (and sticking to it), take fewer taxis, or even save 1,000 won notes (지폐) in your freezer. (I know someone that saves about 1,500 notes a year and uses that cash to go on vacation.)




Some other ideas:  "Ten easy ways to save some cash"




2009년 12월 14일 월요일

[코리아헤럴드] green car의 시대가 밝아오다




Era of the green car dawns in 2009




Now almost over, 2009 was a tumultuous (떠들썩한) year for the world's automotive industry. Hit by the global financial crisis, General Motors was forced to undergo bankruptcy protection (파산 보호) while Korea's Ssangyong Motor Co. is once again under court receivership (법정 관리). Car sales in most major markets were severely affected, prompting governments to introduce massive stimulus measures...




read full article: "Era of the green car dawns in 2009 "




[오늘의 명언] 테레사 수녀







"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love. "

Mother Teresa



[코리아헤럴드] 광화문 광장 스노우보드 대회



Snowboard match thrills Seoul




An international snowboard competition was held in the heart of Seoul yesterday, offering citizens a rare chance to watch world-famous boarders. The FIS Snowboard World Cup Big Air Competition wrapped up (매듭짓다) the three-day "Seoul Snow Jam" festival consisting of an array of cultural and sports events at the landmark Gwanghwamun Square.




read full article: "Snowboard match thrills Seoul "

[코리아헤럴드] 연말연시를 위한 각종 콘서트와 뮤지컬




A guide to year-end shows





With Christmas and New Year around the corner, the local performing arts industry is rolling out quality performances to cash in (돈을 벌다, 한 몫 챙기다) on the festive holiday mood.

The list runs a wide spectrum and includes Christmas favorites "The Nutcracker" ballet and "A Christmas Carol" for the family audience while musicals like "The Wedding Singer," "Legally Blonde" and "My Sweet Seoul" are clearly targeting the girlfriends and couples bracket...

read full article: A guide to year-end shows


[코리아헤럴드] 한국 뮤지션, 빌보드 Hot 100에 16위



Songwriter Shin Hyuk makes U.S. Billboard chart




Korean songwriter Shin Hyuk made it onto the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 Chart in October. The news was not discovered by the local media until Saturday, when someone found it on Shin's Cyworld mini homepage...




read full article:  Songwriter Shin Hyuk makes U.S. Billboard chart

2009년 12월 13일 일요일

[코리아헤럴드] 프렌치 베이커리 체인점 PAUL



Bakery chain Paul is classic, consistent



The buzz surrounding Paul, a buzz that started over two years before the French bakery-patisserie chain arrived in Korea, gained momentum(여세, 추진력) after its first Seoul shop opened on Nov. 26, stimulated by a slew (많은)  of blogs featuring commentary, photographs and details on the new place.



read full article: Bakery chain Paul is classic, consistent



2009년 12월 11일 금요일

[오늘의 명언] 전 美국방부장관 Donald Rumsfeld




"If you are  not criticized, you may not be doing much."


Donald Rumsfeld




Donald Rumsfeld (1932, 07.09)는 13대, 21대 미 대통령 밑에서 두차례 국방부 장관을 했던 정치인 입니다. 


비판받는 것을 두려워 하지 말고 소신대로 행동 하라는 말 같기도 하구요, 또 욕먹기 두려워 남들 등 뒤에 숨어만 있으며 '나는 욕먹을 짓은 안해' 라며 내세우는 사람들을 비판하는 말 인것 같기도 해요. 하지만 요즘 세상에 말 한마디 행동 하나로 도마에 오르 내리는 사람들을 보자면  정말 소신대로 살기가 쉽지않은 세상이죠^^;..




[영어뉴스따라잡기] beef up은 무슨 뜻일까?


Police beef up security to counter terrorism




Korea's police chief said Thursday that police have beefed up security around the country to cope with possible terrorist threats at home**, following the government's announcement of a plan to deploy troops to Afghanistan, according to the Yonhap News...




*beef up: 'beef' 하면 우선 소고기로 많이 쓰이는데요, 그 이외에도 형식없이 '힘, 근육' 의 뜻으로도 쓰입니다.  거기에 'up'이 붙어 동사가 되면 뜻은 강화하다, 영어로는 strengthen, augment.


*같은 뜻을 가진 단어/표현들reinforce (제일 무난하게 쓰이는 단어);  buttress;  prop up; punch up;  soup up;  add fuel to fire;  boost;  bolster.





read full articlePolice beef up security to counter terrorism



[코리아헤럴드] 길거리 상인들이 사라진다



Vendors driven off the streets of Seoul




Seoul City recently stepped up efforts to clean itself of disorderly street vendors (행상인), and those making their daily living (하루하루를 꾸려나가다) in the streets seem to be paying the price.

As part of its ambitious plan to redesign the city, Seoul has come up with a set of reinforced (강화된) guidelines on the street vendors....




read full article:  Vendors driven off the streets of Seoul


[코리아헤럴드] 점점 더 많은 스타벅스에서 CD 판매




More Korean Starbucks stores sell CDs




Starbucks Korea Coffee Korea Co., the Korean division of Starbucks Corp., the world's largest coffee shop chain, said Thursday that more of its stores were selling music CDs, according to the Yonhap News.


Four outlets in the southern port city of Busan have been selling CDs since the beginning of this week in a joint venture with Shinsegae Co., according to Starbucks Coffee Korea.

Some 40 stores in Seoul and Busan have already been selling pop, jazz and classical music CDs in cooperation with Universal Music Group, the world's largest recording company, the company said.



from The Korea Herald





[코리아헤럴드] 서울 구석구석 숨어있는 여러 나라들

The world within Seoul



Seoul is the heart of Korean politics, culture and arts, and is rapidly becoming a cosmopolitan (전 세계적인) city. It is a city of fast-paced change with people coming from all over the world. Seoul is also increasingly promoting (활성화시키다;  v. promote)  itself to the outside world. This is why the city of Seoul is so mesmerizing. (매혹시키는, 매력적인)




Dongbuichon-dong / Japan

Also called "Little Tokyo, " Dongbuichon-dong is a part of Seoul where Japanese people settled after the normalization (정상화) of Korea-Japan relations in 1965.


Today, some 5,000 Japanese residents live in the area, including Japanese Embassy (대사관) staff. Walking through the streets you will see many shops selling Japanese-style products and Japanese is spoken almost everywhere, including banks, supermarkets, laundrettes (세탁소; laundromat) beauty salons.


Monomart (www.monomart.co.kr) is a store which directly imports everything from seasoning, frozen goods, beer, miso, ramen, chocolates, biscuits to organic juices from Japan.


Mitani (02-797-4060) is a traditional Japanese udong restaurant whose owner was first dispatched (파견된) from a firm to Korea but decided to settle down.


Little Tokyo can be found turning left after walking two blocks from Exit 4 of Line 4 Icheon Station....





Discover more about Itaewon, Yeonhui-dong, and Seorae Village:

The world within Seoul

2009년 12월 10일 목요일

[Famouse Quotes] Warren Buffet (워런 버핏)





"Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." 


Warren Buffett

[코리아헤럴드] 수능 제2외국어, 대세는 아랍어


Arabic as an easy option for exam



A higher-than-ever number of students chose Arabic in the second language section of this year's college entrance exam, making many wonder why they chose the language, which no high schools teach.



read full article:  Arabic as an easy option for exam

[코리아헤럴드] 삼성에게 소니와 애플이란?

Samsung a partner or foe for Sony and Apple?




Are Samsung and Sony partners or rivals?

 How about Samsung and Apple?  The answer is both.

 Sony competes with (~와 경쟁하다; n.competition) Samsung in the TV market, but at the same time the Japanese company is one of the biggest buyers of Samsung's display screens.




read full article: Samsung a partner or foe for Sony and Apple?

[코리아헤럴드] 47% of women want to work till retirement

47% of women want to work till retirement




Nearly half of working women want to keep their jobs even when they get older, a survey showed yesterday.

According to Job Korea, an online employment consulting firm, 46.5 percent of 2,108 women respondents said that they want to work as long as they can, regardless of age.

Only 1.2 percent of respondents said they would quit jobs right after they got married and 7.8 percent when they had children.

More than 16 percent said they would retire in their 60s, the survey said.

Women working for the production sector or on human resources teams had relatively stronger will to work until their retirement, Job Korea said.

Men had similar thoughts on women working.

Nearly 34 percent of 315 male respondents said women could work regardless of their age.


 from The Korea Herald 

[코리아헤럴드] 타임 매거진 2009 10대 영화에 오른 한국영화



'Thirst' makes Time's top 10 of 2009




Korean film director Park Chan-wook's "Thirst" (영화 박쥐) was named one of the top 10 movies of the year by Time magazine...




read full article: 'Thirst' makes Time's top 10 of 2009

[영어뉴스 따라잡기] 숫자 '4' 때문에 아프간 파병 미룬다?


Korea trying to avoid '4' in Afghanistan




Korea, poised (~할 준비를 하는) to soon join the international forces to help stabilize (안정시키다) Afghanistan, is faced with a minor procedural headache (절차상 문제): avoiding the number "4"...



영어뉴스 따라잡기 전체 기사 읽기: Korea trying to avoid '4' in Afghanistan

세계 첫 '3W 폰' 출시



KT Corp. yesterday launched the world's first "3W" mobile phone which supports three wireless internet networks - WCDMA, Wi-Fi and mobile WiMax.

[영어뉴스 따라잡기] 외국인 노조 국내 두번째 설립



Second labor union of foreigners approved




The nation's second trade union (노동조합) consisting of only foreigners (외국인들로만 구성된) was approved (승인 받다) recently, a local district office said yesterday....



영어뉴스 따라잡기:  Second labor union of foreigners approved

2009년 12월 9일 수요일

브리트니의 세번째 결혼설은 사실..

"Britney to marry boyfriend Jason"




Pop sensation Britney Spears, 28, was spotted with a ring on her engagement finger.


According to Daily Star, rumors have been floating around for a while in entertainment business that the star had agreed to marry to her agent boyfriend Jason Trawick, 37. Now, a close friend of the family has confirmed that the wedding news is true...




전체 기사+해설 읽기: "Britney to marry boyfriend Jason"

iPhone 전쟁 판매


 'It's a war - iPhone sales are explosive'





Phone salesperson Lee Geon-seok said he has been so busy with customers hoping to buy the newly released iPhone that he has not had time to eat...



read full article: 'It's a war - iPhone sales are explosive'

이제 길거리에서 담배 필 수 없다?


Korea to ban smoking in public places from 2011




Korea will move to ban(금지) all indoor and outdoor smoking in public places starting in 2011 to substantially reduce the country's smoking rate, the government said Wednesday, according to Yonhap News...




read full article: Korea to ban smoking in public places from 2011



수잔 보일과의 인터뷰



Imagine you are a socially awkward middle-aged single woman in a small town who is transformed overnight into an international sensation.

How do you cope with (대처하다, 극복하다) the media frenzy (열광) and public attention when you have lived most of your life at the margins (중심에서 먼 변두리)? .....


read full article:  Unfazed by fame, Boyle remains grounded

신종플루에 대처하는 청와대의 자세


Cheong Wa Dae has been taking heat for its ongoing barring (제외, 금지) of foreigners and children from daily tours over fears of swine flu....



read full article:  Cheong Wa Dae keeps doors shut to foreigners

2009년 12월 8일 화요일

싱글들은 언제 가장 결혼하고 싶어할까?

Single people feel that they are most ready to get married after they have gone through seven to nine relationships, showed research by the Seoul National University and a wedding consulting firm.



read full article:   "When are singles most willing to get married? "


2009년 12월 7일 월요일

새로운 시대를 알리는 아이폰!



If you proudly use pricey Mac computers, constantly scan convoluted tweets on Twitter, and vigorously update your otherwise viciously boring life on your blog, you belong to a small, unfortunate group known as "early adopters" in Korea.



read full article:  iPhone ushers in new era

아르헨티나 대사, 한국 탱고에 매료되다.


For outgoing Argentine Ambassador(대사) Alfredo Alcorta, much like his first love, he will never forget Korea....




read full article:  Argentine envoy's last tango in Korea, or is it?

2009년 12월 4일 금요일

한국의 소리


Every country has its own traditional music. The National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts in Seocho-dong is a great place to experience the full spectrum of traditional Korean music and performing arts.



read full article: "Yield to the temptation of Korean music "

2009년 12월 3일 목요일

영화 '여배우들'


"The Actresses" is a small-budget film (저예산 영화)that has a highly predictable storyline. Much of the dialogue contains outdated cliches and empty flourishes befitting the meaningless talk on a cheap soap opera of an unpopular television network.


read full article:  "'Actresses' gets by on high-profile cast "