2010년 1월 13일 수요일

갤러리현대 기획전 '2010 한국 현대미술의 중심에서'























Gallery retraces 40 years of Korean art


There was time when the idea of selling art came as a shock to most people.

"I was in my senior year in college in 1970 when Gallery Hyundai opened in Insa-dong. I saw a small article introducing the brand new business under the headline, 'We sell paintings.' The story would make you laugh now, but back then it was so interesting. It produced a similar sensation as the article that said 'A pizza place opened in Itaewon' in the 1980s," wrote Yoo Hong-jun, former director of the Cultural Heritage Administration and currently a professor at Myongji University, in a recent review.


read full article: "Gallery retraces 40 years of Korean art"


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