2010년 1월 22일 금요일

영화 의형제, 액션 그 이상의 무엇!



'Secret Reunion' goes beyond spy drama




Early in "Secret Reunion," a clever tale of two marginalized men, middle-aged anti-spy agent Han-kyu (Song Kang-ho) ruefully complains about how the external world is "inconsistent" in driving him to the wall.


His job is to track down and arrest North Korean spies, but when one of the missions he leads fails miserably, his superiors, mindful of their own job security, rush to put all the blame on the working-level officer. Han-kyu's half-comic and half-saddening comment about his sorry state not only showcases Song's trademark acting skill but also highlights the film's message.


read full article : "'Secret Reunion' goes beyond spy drama"

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