2010년 1월 29일 금요일

세계인 입맛에 맞춘 퓨전 한식 명소



Korean cuisine with a twist




This is the 63rd in a series of articles highlighting tourism spots in Seoul. The guide for planning weekend trips in the capital city will help readers rediscover Seoul. - Ed.


By Jung Bo-sang


When travelling abroad, most Koreans prefer a bowl of rice to a piece of bread. Some struggle to find a Korean restaurant, only to find the dishes somehow altered, even if people seem to really enjoy it. As the proverb says, "A tangerine becomes a hardy orange once it crosses the Yangtze River."


Korean dishes are easily altered, and it may no longer be avoidable to change Korean food into a more "globalized" form. The idea in this is to find common denominators in the taste that everyone can enjoy. In this context, this article will introduce several Korean restaurants in Seoul trying to make alterations.


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