2010년 7월 28일 수요일

아르헨티나 유목민 가족, 한국을 방문하다.


Argentine nomad family visits Korea



Traveling abroad for 10 days would be a dream come true to many people. But for one Argentine family, even 10 years of traveling has not been enough.

Argentine couple Herman and Candelaria Zapp have been living a nomadic life for the past ten years, driving to every corner of the American and Australian continents in a classic 1928 Graham-Paige. Unlike normal tourists who purchase souvenirs, the couple “made” them along the way – Pampa, 9, Tehue, 6, Paloma, 3, and Wallaby, 2, were additions to the family born in the U.S., Argentina, Canada and Australia, respectively.


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