2010년 7월 5일 월요일

[East Sea (7)] 동해는 토착지명이 3개?




[East Sea (7)] The Sea of the three endonyms: How maritime names like East Sea or Sea of Japan fit into two categories




Born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1951, Paul Woodman graduated with an honours degree in geography from the University of Manchester in 1971, adding a Masters in Contemporary European Studies from the University of Reading in the following year. By then, he was already developing what has become a lifelong interest in foreign affairs: notably geography, history and languages. He had the good fortune to be able to combine these interests in his career of more than three decades at the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names (PCGN), an inter-departmental body which advises the U.K. government on the spelling of foreign geographical names.

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