2010년 2월 19일 금요일

화백 허회태, 미국을 물들이다


Emography touches America




After giving out a shout of concentration, Huh Hwe-tae started a stroke on a giant Chinese drawing paper with an arm-length brush. His moves showed no hesitation. The room grew silent except for the sound of a machine rubbing an ink stick on an ink stone. The powerful act was finished in less than 10 minutes but Huh's nose was sprinkled with sweat. The completed work contained bold black strokes with an orange circle on top. In a way, it looked like a bright sun peeking out behind tall mountains.


"I wrote 'Sae Achim (New Morning)' in Korean letters, hoping for a great 2010. Yes, it also looks like a picture of a new sun rising on a New Year's Day," the 53-year-old calligrapher told The Korea Herald at his studio in Bangbae-dong, southern Seoul.


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