2010년 8월 12일 목요일

첼리스트 장한나, 지휘봉을 잡다


Cellist Chang Han-na taking up conducting baton



Cello virtuoso Chang Han-na is poised to take the podium here for the third time as a conductor on Saturday, leading a group of promising young musicians.

The 28-year-old cellist and rising conductor will be launching the second “Absolute Classic Festival Orchestra” on Saturday with the opening concert featuring music by Respighi and Shostakovich.
“I believe that classical music can change society for the better; it may not be in one day but even if it takes time, the change will eventually come to effectively seep into individual by individual like a tree root and result in budding leaves.” “The significance of this festival is to show the world that classical music is not difficult and unapproachable but can be enjoyed by all at any time,” Chang told reporters on Wednesday.


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