2010년 8월 6일 금요일

첼시 클린턴의 시어머니에게는 무엇인가 있다?


There is something about Chelsea’s mother-in-law



Marriage is not just a legal binding of two loved ones. In reality, it takes more than two to complete a marriage. Perhaps, it also takes the toils of two great mothers.

Last Saturday marked the wedding of Mark Mezvinsky and Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of former U.S. President Bill Clinton and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. For many, the bride may be more known than the groom. However, Mark, too, has a well-known mother, Marjorie Mezvinsky. This day, the spotlight the two strong-willed mothers received seemed as bright as the ones that shined on the bride and groom. 


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