2010년 6월 30일 수요일

[갤러리 시리즈 (10)]Bauhaus, 실용적인 아름다움을 말하다.


[Gallery Talk] Simple, elegant: Bauhaus lifestyle at PKM




It takes more than just money to decorate your living room like this -- you also need outstanding aesthetic sense and historical knowledge.

Divided into many parts, PKM Trinity Gallery in Cheongdam-dong, southern Seoul, is showcasing miniature living rooms fully furnished with original fine furniture by designers from Bauhaus and also those from the subsequent modern classicism era for the exhibition “Bauhaus & Modern Classic -- SABO Collection.”



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신라시대 수도승의 최초의 인도 여행기, 서울에서 전시되다


Silla monk’s travelogue to be displayed in Seoul




National Museum of Korea announced on Tuesday that National Library of France confirmed last Thursday to lend it the “Wangocheonchukgukjeon,” or “Memoir of the Pilgrimage to the Five kingdoms of India,” which was written by Hye-cho, a Buddhist monk of the Silla Kingdom, in the early 8th century.

The book will be shown to the public for the first time in 1,283 years through the exhibition tentatively named “The Silk Road and Dunhwang,” which will be held at National Museum of Korea in December.


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2010년 6월 29일 화요일

비보이 월드컵, 한국에서 열리다.

B-Boy World Cup to kick off in Seoul



World class break dancers from around the globe will converge in Seoul next month to battle for the title of world’s best B-boy crew.

The annual dance competition titled “R-16 KOREA 2010,” organized by the Korea Tourism Organization, will be held at the Olympic Park in Jamsil, southern Seoul.



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아이디어는 생활로부터


Inventor says ideas come from daily life




For many, invention sounds like a grand scientific accomplishment that only a few dare to attempt.

But according to Locksis
CEO Son Kye-a, the winner of the Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition 2010, ideas for inventions can commonly be found in everyday life.



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[갤러리 시리즈(9)]박유숙 대표의 젊은 예술인을 키우기 위한 노력


[Gallery Talk] Art dealer dedicated to fostering young talent




This is the ninth in a 10-part series on prominent art galleries in Korea. –Ed

Starting with Park Ryu-sook Gallery in 1983, art galleries opened in the Cheongdam-dong area one by one.

Now, with more than 40 galleries situated along the main boulevard
between the Galleria Department Store and the Cheongdam crossroads, art insiders say that the area is pretty much outdoing the Insa-dong area, Seoul’s first art gallery mecca, which has turned into a tourist spot.



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2010년 6월 28일 월요일

축구팬들이여, 맨유클럽에서 마시고 즐겨라


Man U-themed dining spot, where soccer meets grub




Soccer is so much more than a group of guys punting a ball around.

As evidenced by the convivial glow generated by the millions of people gathering to watch the 2010 FIFA World Cup, this is a
game that inspires strangers to bond, if only for a couple of hours, over a team, over a player’s magical ability to make the seemingly impossible possible.


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[East Sea(6)] 중국 문학에 표기되어 있는 동해



[East Sea (6)] References to East Sea in Chinese literature




Han Maoli is a professor at the College of Environmental Sciences at Peking University.

The sea area to the east of the Korean Peninsula, which is located west of the Japanese archipelago and southwest of Sakhalin (Ku Ye Island), is called either the “East Sea” or “Sea of Japan.” The documents of ancient China indicate that this sea area began to have its own name during the Tang (唐) Dynasty (618-907), nearly 1,500 years ago. At that time, the sea area was called “Xiao Sea” (小海), “Shao Sea” (少海) or “Southern Sea” (南海) by Chinese people. But the meaning of the name only refers to parts of the sea area to the east of the Korean Peninsula, not the whole area. We can confirm that the documents of the Tang Dynasty did not contain the proper name referring to this whole sea area.


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'슬로우'시티, 삶의 질을 이야기 하다.


‘Slow City’ advocates discuss quality of life




About 100 officials and scholars from 14 countries discussed the “slow city” movement over the weekend during a forum that opened on Friday in Seoul.

The five-day 2010 Cittaslow International Assembly opened at the Seoul Museum of History with Cittaslow President Gianluca Marconi of Italy presiding over the opening forum. Yu In-chon, Korea’s minister of culture, sports and tourism, gave a congratulatory speech on Saturday.



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2010년 6월 25일 금요일

창덕궁에서의 한국 관광의 밤


‘Inspiring Night in Korea’ lives up to name




The Korea Tourism Organization and the 2010-2012 Visit Korea Year(s) Committee kicked off its inaugural tourism PR event, “Inspiring Night in Korea,” on Wednesday at Changdeok Palace in central Seoul.

The annual event was organized by the nation’s tourism authority in cooperation with the VKC to boost awareness of the country’s fledgling tourism industry.


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[Rediscover Seoul(84)] 아름다운 서울의 산책로


[Rediscover Seoul(84)] Seoul's best walking trails.




Trail course: Donhwamun (start) → Gwanmulheon (0.4 km) → Buyongjeong (0.7 km) → Aeryeonji (0.8 km) → Jondeokjeong (1.0 km) → Okryucheon Cheonguijeong (1.5 km) → Back gate (3.1 km, 2 Hours)

Reason for recommendation: The Secret Garden of Changdeokgung, one of the five palaces of the Joseon Dynasty, was loved by the royal family for its beauty and dense forest. It was also the largest among palace gardens. Passing through Donhwamun, locust trees, a juniper, a tora vine and a mulberry tree designated as Natural Monuments welcome us. Then we cross Geumcheongyo and turn to the left to enter the Secret Garden.



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사진으로 보는 한국전


Exhibitions remember the Korean War




One photo captures the highly charged tension at Panmunjeom where soldiers from South Korea and North Korea stand face to face. Another depicts high-level soldiers from the two countries carefully walking down a street covered with snow, holding hands.

“We are living in a divided nation, but once the physical walls are torn down, we will hardly feel the sense of difference from each other. We think of each other like enemies but we are still the same people. We can hold hands, as you can see in the photos,” said Kim Nyung-man, a photographer.


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2010년 6월 24일 목요일

최지우, 명예미소국가대표에 위촉


Choi named Visit Korea Year smile envoy




Actress Choi Ji-woo (35), a Korean Wave star, has been appointed honorary supporter of a smile campaign by Visit Korea Committee.

Her appointment ceremony took place during “Inspring Night in Korea,” an event hosted by the Korea Tourism Organization at Changdeokgung Palace in Seoul on Wednesday.



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새로운 컨셉으로 돌아온 Ensemble Ditto


Ensemble Ditto returns for fourth season




Ensemble Ditto is back in town bringing a breath of fresh air into the classical music scene.

The young ensemble comprised of world-class musicians kicks off their fourth season of the Ditto Festival on Tuesday with the opening concert featuring American Grammy Award-winning violinist Joshua Bell and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Chamber Orchestra.


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서울 필하모닉 오케스트라, 성공적인 유럽투어를 하고 오다.


Seoul Phil Europe tour a success




The Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra led by conductor Chung Myung-whun had a “successful” concert tour in Europe, paving the way for the country’s leading symphony to officially make inroads into one of the toughest and demanding markets, the orchestra’s chief said on Wednesday.

“Our first European tour was successful to the point that we can say that we have secured a solid footing in Europe, which has one of the world’s most established and dignified orchestras and audience demographics,” Kim Joo-ho, president and chief executive of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, told reporters in Seoul.



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2010년 6월 23일 수요일

[갤러리 시리즈(8)] 한미 사진미술관 송영숙 대표


[Gallery Talk(8)]

Analog photography making a comeback




This is the eighth in a 10-part series on prominent art galleries in Korea. – Ed

The Museum of Photography, Seoul, situated on the 19th and 20th floors of Hanmi Tower in Bangi-dong, eastern Seoul, is Korea’s first government-authorized private museum for photography.

Song Young-sook, the founder and chief director of the museum, established it in 2002 after many twists and turns.


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아시아 각국의 전통 문화를 뽐내다


Asians show off traditional cultures




Pyounghwa Plaza in World Cup Park in Mapo-gu was filled with unfamiliar sights on Sunday as people from different Asian countries gathered to introduce their traditional cultures.

The annual “Asia Culture Festival,” hosted by the Asia Culture Festival Organizing Committee and supported by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, was held under the theme “One Asia,” aiming to provide a venue to experience different Asian cultures and thus improve understanding of neighboring countries.

Visitors crowded at the “Asian Village” where booths representing each participating country -- Thailand, Mongolia, Vietnam, Japan, Nepal, China, Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Malaysia, India and South Korea -- were set up.



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몸으로 부터 얻는 영감-피아니스트, 조재혁


Inspiration comes from the body: pianist




The music is what is presented on the score like words on the pages of a novel.

Both require a learned skill in reading and interpretation, which would otherwise only be arcane symbols. As virtuoso Korean-American pianist Cho Jae-hyuck puts it: “Music is very mathematical but at the same time artistic.”

Having command over this sophisticated and complex process of transforming notes into a sonic experience is the talent of a musician. And for even a professional musician like himself, Cho said it is this “rational and irrational” nature of music that makes each and every performance different and challenging.

“Well, if you’re just rational, the music will not sound ‘musical,’” the 39 year old said.



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2010년 6월 22일 화요일

새로운 시각으로 보는 한국전쟁


 Korean War retold in two new series




Sixty years have passed since the nightmare that was the Korean War broke out.

Since the war, films, documentaries and miniseries have done their best to serve as a reminder of the war that forever changed the history of this nation.

“TaeGukGi: Brotherhood of War” (2003) drew millions to the movie theater with its melodramatic story of two siblings whose love for one another went beyond enemy lines.


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커피로 이주민 돕는 유해근 목사


Coffee as way to help migrant workers




For most social workers, fund-raising might be the most challenging part of their activities. The establishment of social enterprises seems to have eased their problem a little bit.

Although it might sound unfamiliar to most Koreans, an increasing number of such enterprises -- which adopt market-based strategies to achieve social goals -- have emerged over the years.


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2010년 6월 21일 월요일

[East Sea(5)] 동해인가 일본해인가


[East Sea(5)] Understanding East Sea through Korean history




I. Introduction

Since the Korean Peninsula is surrounded by water on three sides, Korea has had a keen interest in its waters throughout history. The sea area between the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese Archipelago has been called the “East Sea” in Korea based on the Oriental Thoughts of the Five Elements. More specifically, the names of sea areas surrounding the Korean Peninsula were created based on the combination of the four cardinal directions -north, south, east, west- and the space concept of the “Five Elements.” The East Sea was the one located to the east of the Peninsula.

The first record of the name East Sea can be traced back to a description by King Dongmyeong of the Goguryeo Kingdom in “The History of the Three Kingdoms” in 59 B.C. Meanwhile, the country name “Japan“ first appeared in 670 around 700 years after Korea began using the name East Sea and the appellation Sea of Japan first appeared in 1602 in a map dubbed “Mappamondo (Complete Map of the World)” by Matteo Ricci, an Italian Catholic missionary based in Beijing. Therefore, the name Sea of Japan was first used about 1,650 years after the Koreans began calling the sea area, East Sea.



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여름방학 맞이 미술展&사진展 안내


Wealth of photo exhibitions in Seoul




Photography has established itself as a proper genre of art, and a very important one, too.

With the summer vacation season coming up soon, several interesting photo exhibitions are gearing up to attract Seoulites. Here are some of the major exhibitions currently underway or soon to open.


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2010년 6월 18일 금요일

아시아 문화, 축제로 하나되다 '아시아 문화 축제'


Asian culture to converge at festival




The second “Asia Culture Festival” will take place at Pyounghwa Plaza in World Cup Park in Mapo-gu, central Seoul, on Sunday.

Hosted by the Asia Culture Festival Organizing Committee and supported by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, the annual festival started last year under the theme “One Asia.”


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[Rediscover Seoul(83)]한국의 가장 대표적인 수공예품-보자기


[Rediscover Seoul(83)]Bojagi? Korean traditional gift wrapping cloth




This is the 83th in a series of articles highlighting tourism spots in Seoul. The guide for planning weekend trips in the capital city will help readers rediscover Seoul. — Ed.


The door opened with a rattling sound. Wind blew through the door and tickled a corner of the window screen. Behind the ramie patchwork screen, night was falling on the alley outside. As the alley became darker, the lights of the stores got brighter. Colorful craft works, such as bojagi, fabric pouches, thimbles and pillows caught people’s eyes.

Viola Mickova from South Africa looked closely at colorful embroidered thimbles and silk patchwork bojagi. Even though she has been living in Korea for three years, it was the first time for her to see Korean traditional craftwork this close up.


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2010년 6월 17일 목요일

패션모델 1세대 '이희재', 화가로 데뷔


Former top model takes up painting




“Multitasker” might be a word that best describes Lee Hee-jae, a former fashion model and television personality who recently turned into an artist.

The 59-year-old is one of Korea’s first-generation models who strode down catwalks in fashion shows by top-notch Korean designers from the 1970s to the 1990s.


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소통 꿈꿨던 팝아트 작가 '키스 해링展'


A peek at Haring's pop art




Even if you have not have heard of the name Keith Haring, you will probably recognize the artist’s style -- works composed of simple and active figures, black bold lines and vivid colors.

The late American artist is remembered as one of the greatest pop artists of the 20th century and also an activist who cared much about many social issues. Haring established the Keith Haring Foundation in 1989, a year after he was diagnosed with
AIDS. The foundation’s mandate is to provide support to AIDS organizations and children’s programs. He died the following year.


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2010년 6월 16일 수요일

시인 '이 상', 프랑스를 사로잡다


Korean literature captivates France




It is not just films from Korea that are gathering fans in France.

The French are paying more attention to Korean literature as well.

A big-scale project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Korean poet Yi Sang’s birth will take place in Paris this month, co-hosted by La Generale, a cultural complex supported by the city of Paris and Lab201, an art project organizer based in Korea.


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2010년 6월 15일 화요일

[갤러리 시리즈(7)] PKM 트리니티 갤러리 박경미 대표


[Gallery Talk(7)] PKM initiates new way of running gallery




This is the seventh in a 10-part series on prominent art galleries in Korea. – Ed

Park Kyung-mee, president of PKM Gallery in Hwa-dong, central Seoul, and PKM Trinity Gallery in Cheongdam-dong, southern Seoul, is a role model for many curators in Korea.

She worked as a curator for 11 years at Kukje Gallery and individually, and gradually grew to become one of the most influential figures in the Korean art field. She successfully curated a number of major art events, including the 2001 Venice Biennale for which Park was the commissioner of the Korean pavilion. Park finally opened her own gallery in Hwa-dong after the Biennale.


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'Serene', 아프리카서 한국 디자인 회사의 새 場을 열다


Tasteful Korean design in Africa




Unlike small Korean designing firms struggling to outdo one another in the domestic market, Serene Co. is taking its business vision abroad, particularly to an untapped market.

It was Africa, a market avoided by most Korean design firms, that Serene has set its sights on.


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2010년 6월 14일 월요일

제1회 한국전통공예미래전, 롯데 갤러리서 열려


Exhibition to boost korean craft's future




The first Korean Traditional Craft Future Exhibition kicked off at Lotte Gallery in Avenuel on Wednesday.

Hosted by Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea, organized by Korea Craft & Design Foundation and supported by Lotte Department Store, the exhibition features hundreds of craftworks by 98 artisans who either hold the title of Intangible Cultural Property or are learning from them.


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'Korea 2020'외부에서 바라본 한국의 현주소























[New Book] Forward-looking view on korea's future




Korea 2020: Global Perspectives for the Next Decade
Edited by McKinsey & Company
(Random House Korea, 188 pages, 25,000 won)


Inside views, however refined and forward-looking they may be, often fail due to the lack of objectiveness. That’s why decision makers favor outside perspectives and ideas, and “Korea 2020” belongs to this small yet important category.

The book, published in both English and Korean, sums up 28 essays written by top-notch foreign experts, most of whom are also members of President Lee Myung-bak’s International Advisory Committee (IAC).


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[East Sea(4)] 동해인가 일본해인가

[East Sea(4)] Change of meaning in 'East Sea' and 'Sea of Japan'




1. Semantic change and geographical names

Every word has a variety of meanings that can be added, removed, or altered over time. Every single one of those three types of changes is a semantic change. Also, geographic names can change its meaning. In this case we can theoretically differ between two types:

1. The geographic unity to which the geographic name refers to is changing.

2. The geographic name itself goes through a semantic change in the course of time.

Both of these kinds of semantic changes with geographic names can proceed, admittedly, also parallel and dependent of each other.

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2010년 6월 11일 금요일

[Rediscover Seoul(82)]한옥: 전통과 아름다움을 한 번에


[Rediscover Seoul(82)]

Hanok: Quest for beauty, tradition




It’s a wonderful time of the year with bright sunshine and a cool breeze. Everything around us is so precious and beautiful that we do not want to miss any of it. Sometimes, staying in the city is boring. As the weekend comes, you pick up a tour guidebook or a metro map. However, there are houses where you can fully enjoy the beauty of nature while inside. They are traditional houses of Korea -- hanok.

Hanok are built in a totally different way from modern buildings made of cement, glass, and rebar. They are made of stone, wood and clay -- natural materials. Hanok has also adapted to the climate and customs of Korea over thousands of years. However, as cities expanded and things changed rapidly, hanok were regarded as inconvenient living spaces and disappeared very quickly. Today, Korean people typically live in an apartment. Fortunately, an increasing number of people understand the significance and value of hanok.


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2010년 6월 10일 목요일

'21세기 다빈치' 테오 얀센, 국내 최초 작품전 열어


Jansen's 'Strandbeests' stomp into Korea




Video clips of weird looking creatures wandering, or sometimes racing, around the delft beach in the Netherlands were a hit on YouTube a few years ago.

The animal-like-creatures, called “Strandbeests,” were created by Dutch artist Theo Jansen who soon rose to stardom and was dubbed the Leonardo Da Vinci of the 21st century.


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[Savor Korea (28)]한국 궁중음식 들여다보기



[Savor Korea (28)]

Korean royal cuisine uncovered




When Korean Wave pioneer “Jewel in the Palace (Daejanggeum)” swept across Asia from 2004 to 2006, royal cuisine -- spun out by the hands of the series’ heroine, Jang-geum, and the series’ kitchen court ladies -- transfixed viewers with its sumptuous brilliance and intricate nature.

Mouths watered. Palates tingled with the desire to savor the parade of dishes, so evocatively presented in lush, vibrant colors and textures.


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2010년 6월 9일 수요일

고구려밴드, 락앤롤에 국악을 담다


Koguryo fuses rock 'n' roll, traditional music




Rock and roll influenced by Korean traditional music is the way to go for putting both Korea’s pop and traditional music on the global radar, a local group pioneering a new genre of rock declares.

Koguryo Band, a five-member local rock group, believes infusing Korean traditional-style music into rock and roll-style compositions -- without the traditional instruments like the daegeum or gayageum -- will be the magic to globalizing the local culture and its ethnic music.


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[갤러리 시리즈(6)]루프 갤러리 서진석 대표


[Gallery Talk] Gallery Loop to spread Asian art




This is the sixth in a 10-part series on prominent art galleries in Korea. – Ed

Korea’s contemporary art market, culture and environment have greatly changed over the last 10 years, according to Suh Jin-suk, director of Gallery Loop.

Along with Project Space Sarubia and Art Space Pool, Gallery Loop has been one of the nation’s leading non-profit alternative art spaces since its establishment in 1999.


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2010년 6월 7일 월요일

[East Sea(3)] 동해인가 일본해인가


[East Sea(3)]U.N. seeks peaceful resolution for names




This is the third in a series of contributions and interview articles exploring standardization issues of the geographic names -- the “East Sea” and “Sea of Japan. Various views on the geographic name of the body of water between the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese archipelago will be presented in aims to raise awareness of the controversy. – Ed.


Peter E. Raper is former chairman of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, and is a research associate of the Unit for Language Management at the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. He is also currently researching San (Bushman) place-names and their influence on toponyms in other languages. Raper obtained his Ph. D. degree at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1971. He served on the South African National Place Names Committee from 1972 to 1999, and was its chairman from 1996 to 1999. He served on the South African Geographical Names Council from 2000 to 2002.


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영화 '포화속으로', TOP 연기 돋보여


T.O.P. a revelation in '71: Into the Fire'




Heavy on action, thin on character development, “71: Into the Fire” fails to stir up emotions amid hastily edited battle sequences stitched together through fast cuts making them mostly incomprehensible.

The film is based on the true story of a band of 71 high school-aged students that fended off a North Korean platoon full of battle-hardened soldiers during a skirmish in the frontlines of Pohang in North Gyeongsang Province.


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2010년 6월 4일 금요일

프랑스의 지성 '기 소르망', 세계화 에세이 300편 실은 '원더풀 월드'출간


Geography no longer crucial factor: Sorman




The world is more globalized than we think, according to Guy Sorman, a prominent French intellectual and author.

“We are more globalized than we think, although we don’t really realize that nor are we completely adapted to the new world. To really focus on globalization, I talked with many people in different countries to write the book and not just stayed by my desk in Paris,” Sorman told the press on Thursday. Sorman was in Korea to promote his latest book, “Wonderful World,” whose Korean-language edition was launched here last month. The book is composed of 300 essays about globalization and world civilizations.


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[Rediscover Seoul(81)]음양오행이 담긴 한국음식


[Rediscover Seoul(81)]

Colors, meanings, charms and flavors in Korean dishes




There was a very popular drama entitled “Daejanggeum” which depicted stories that took place in the royal kitchen. The colorful Korean food that filled the screen was attractive to the eyes. The food was based on the royal dishes which reflected Yin-Yang and five elements of Oriental thought. Today, let’s discover Korean food that is made with the ingredients harvested from Korea and which illustrates the spirit of the country.

In the Oriental world (including Korea), there is a traditional theory called “Eumyangohaeng (Yin-Yang and Five elements).” What is the relationship between this Eumyangohaeng and Korean food?


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2010년 6월 3일 목요일

[Savor Korea(27)] 한식세계화 PBS '스톱&밥 코리아' 촬영현장


[Savor Korea(27)]Bringing hansik to global audience




The trick to globalizing Korean food is not just about exposure.

Getting an international audience to try out a new cuisine also involves helping them understand it, getting them access to it on home turf and enabling them to connect with it on an emotional or cultural level.

The executive producer and producer behind the upcoming U.S. public broadcaster
PBS‘ series on Korean cuisine, tentatively titled “Stop and Bap Korea,” and InterContinental Hotels Seoul executive chef Nick Flynn, who helped formulate the hit menu “Made in Korea,” are well aware of this.


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2010년 6월 2일 수요일

국내 외국인들과 함께하는 스쿠버다이빙


Explore the dark side of Korea




Following is part of a series of articles highlighting ways that expats and Koreans form communities through sport. To comment or to suggest story ideas, e-mail mattlamers@heraldm.com -- Ed.

What: Scuba diving
Language: English, Korean
When: Year-round
Where: Throughout peninsula
How much: From 60,000 won
Contact: www.scubainkorea.com,


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2010년 6월 1일 화요일

유네스코 한국위원회, 아프리카 문맹퇴치 앞장서


UNESCO Korea fights Africa illiteracy




Korea marks the 60th anniversary of its joining the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on June 14, not as a recipient country but as a helping hand to the global community.

“Korea, during the past 60 years, has developed remarkably, from a war-torn country so impoverished that it lacked money and technology to publish even school textbooks in the 1950s after the (1950-1953) Korean War, to one that reaches out to the rest of the world,” said Chun Taek-soo, the Korean Commission for UNESCO Secretary-General.


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[갤러리 시리즈 5] - 국제갤러리 이현숙대표


[Gallery Talk(5)] Kukje to open new art center in 2013




This is the fifth in a 10-part series on prominent art galleries in Korea. – Ed

Kukje Gallery in Sogyeok-dong, central Seoul, really lives up to its name “Kukje,” which means international.

It is one of the galleries in Korea that is most often seen at international art fairs. This year alone it participated in The Armory Show in March, Hong Kong International Art Fair in May and is scheduled to participate in Art Basel later this month.


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