2010년 9월 30일 목요일

프리킥 달인 베컴, "韓여자축구 원더풀"


David Beckham compliments Korean women’s soccer




As South Korea won their first World Cup title over Japan on Sunday at the U17 Women’s World Cup, David Beckham was caught on camera watching the game.

Beckham complimented the Korean women’s play in his interview with FIFA on Wednesday, saying he was pleasantly surprised and that the standard of play was very high.

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헉! 지구와 유사한 행성 발견


Earth-like planet found, 20 light years away




The chances that future generations will one day colonize the stars have just got higher.

Astronomers announced Wednesday the discovery of the most Earth-like planet ever found – a rocky world three times the size of our own world, orbiting a star 20 light years away, Daily Mail

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북한 주민들이 가장 좋아하는 남한 음식은?


Instant noodles are favorite aid to North Koreans




The government-funded aid to North Korea which will be delivered to Sinuiju in October, a region hit hard by floods last month, will include rice, cement and instant noodles.

Radio Free Asia, a radio station that specializes in North Korean news, reported on Tuesday that North Koreans like the instant noodles the most among food aid sent by South Korea.


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김황식 후보자, "군면제 결격사유 문제없다"


P.M. nominee denies draft dodging accusation




Prime Minister-designate Kim Hwang-sik on Wednesday strongly defended himself against accusations of draft dodging, saying that he still suffers from the eye condition which exempted him from military duty nearly 40 years ago.

“It is not that I didn’t serve in the Army, but I couldn’t,” Kim said on the first day of his confirmation hearing at the National Assembly.

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LED 산업에 뛰어든 포스코


POSCO expands into LED business




The world’s fourth largest steelmaker POSCO is venturing into the lucrative light-emitting diode business by launching a new specialist developer on Wednesday.

The new company, POSCO
LED, is a 30 billion won ($26.3 million) venture established as a collaborative project between POSCO, POSCO ICT and Seoul Semiconductor.


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미실 고현정, 여성 대통령으로 돌아오다


Ko shows promise as first female president on tube




The buzz surrounding SBS’ new Wednesday-Thursday night series, “Dae Mul,” has been deafening.


In a meeting with reporters, Seidt said that due to the abruptness of the unification, many things were not carried out according to plan in Germany.


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2010년 9월 29일 수요일

세계적 환경주의자 랜달 방한


Goodall stresses hope in conservation book




Icebergs melt. The Earth gets warmer. Many species of animals become extinct.


But world-renowned primatologist and environmentalist Jane Goodall says we should still have hope.


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유럽 주방장들의 손맛, 서울 상륙!


Star chefs talk on Korean food experience at Seoul Gourmet 2010




There will be master chefs, their exquisite palate and creativity, and all kinds of Korean food ingredients: pickled seafood, soy sauce, red chili pepper paste, rice and sesame seeds.

Seven world-renowned European chefs have gathered in Korea to take part in
Seoul Gourmet 2010, one of Korea‘s leading food festivals, to showcase various full-course meals inspired by Korean ingredients and original cooking methods.


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식빵에 털이? "알고보니 죽은 쥐"


Dead mouse found in loaf of bread in England




A shocked father found a dead mouse in a loaf of bread he was using to make sandwiches for his children, Daily Mail reported on Tuesday.

Stephen Forse, 41-year-old man living in Oxfordshire in England, said he had already used some of the bread when he noticed “a dark-colored object
embedded in the corner of three or four slices,” according to the report.


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北, 권력 세습 작업 진행中


Kim Jong-il's heir-apparent son given political posts




North Korean leader Kim Jong-il's son was appointed to powerful ruling party posts, state media reported Wednesday, solidifying the path for his succession to his father, Yonhap news reported.


The North's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said Kim Jong-un, the youngest known son of the top leader, was named to the Workers' Party central committee and as vice chairman of the central military commission.


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한반도 울린 태극소녀들 입성


U-17 World Cup squad returns to hero's welcome




The South Korean squad that won the U-17 Women's World Cup made a glorious return Tuesday with the champion's trophy, according to news reports.


Yonhap News said the young players were crowned the world champion for the first time in South Korean football history by nudging past Japan 5-4 in a penalty shootout in the finals of the football tournament held in Trinidad and Tobago on Sunday (Korean time).


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두산-롯데, 가을 야구잔치의 서막을 알리다


Call of autumn




Doosan, Lotte kick off KBO postseason today

All eyes will now turn from soccer to baseball as the Korean professional baseball postseason begins with the third-place Doosan Bears and fourth-place Lotte Giants starting their best-of-five series on Wednesday.


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2010년 9월 28일 화요일

길이 1km 케이크를 보셨나요?


King cake set world record




A 1,000 meter long and 1,800 kilogram king cake, made by Hydel’s Bakery in New Orleans, was listed in the Guinness Book of Records on Sept. 22, news reports said.

An incredible 5,100 eggs, 135 kilograms of cinnamon sugar, black and gold sprinkles, and 129 kilograms of enzyme were used to set the landmark record.

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후계자 김정은, 그의 행보는?


N. Korea party meeting triggers leadership talk




Party delegates from all corners of North Korea have arrived in the capital Pyongyang, the North’s state media reported Monday, keeping the world guessing a day before the reclusive state’s purported political gathering expected to pave the way for an eventual hereditary power succession.

North Korea’s ruling Workers’ Party will hold a convention Tuesday, according to the country’s official Korean Central News Agency, during which its ailing leader Kim Jong-il is expected to crown his youngest son with an important party position.


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스테이크의 참맛을 느끼고 싶으면?


Matured steak comes of age in Korea




Despite the high price, the dry-aged steak has its devotees

Steak satiates the most primitive of cravings.


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망신살 뻗친 연예인들, 이미지 회복하나?


Can Rain, Kwon restore images?




All eyes will be on Rain and actor Kwon Sang-woo, as they look to rebound from a series of setbacks that made tabloid headlines in previous months, with a pair of highly anticipated television series set to air this and next week.

After a five-year hiatus, Rain will mark his return to the small screen with another KBS series titled “Plan B.”


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상반신 누드사진찍은 최희진

Lyricist Choi Hee-jin causes controversy again with semi-nude photo



Lyricist Choi Hee-jin, who caused controversy over her past relationship with K-pop singer Eru, once again stirred the nation with a picture of herself posing semi-nude on her blog.

Choi wrote in her blog that she appreciated less criticism toward her on the Internet and asked people not to say hostile words to her, Eru, or his father Tae Jin-ah last Saturday.

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세계각국 엽기버거 총집합


Unique burgers around the world




Triple/Quadruple Bypass Burger


The Heart Attack Grill in Arizona, U.S. boasts the Triple and Quadruple Bypass Burger, three or four beef patties stacked and covered with cheese and the usual trimmings, Daily News reported.


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2010년 9월 27일 월요일

백두산 화산폭발시 북한에 막대한 피해


Mt. Baekdu volcano eruption likely to cause massive flood in North




The eruption of Mt. Baekdu volcano would likely cause severe flood damage, engulfing roads and homes within a 30 kilometer-radius in just 3 hours and 20 minutes, a report found on Monday.

According to the report by the National Emergency
Management Agency, presented to Rep. Lee Myung-soo, damage by the flood would be extreme because about 2 billion tons of water on the top of Mt. Baekdu would be expected to pour off and sweep villages including the birthplace of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il in Yanggang province.


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한국판 밀키스, 뉴질랜드서 출시


Fizzy milk which tastes like coke introduced in New Zealand




Fizzy milk which tastes like coke has been introduced in shops in New Zealand, according to new reports.

A dairy farmer, Richard Revell, came up with the idea to make a milk-based soft drink at his farm six years ago, inspired by the idea that many drinks including wine have bubbles, news reports said.


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한국에서 태국문화를 체험하다


Local students get taste of Thailand




Promoting knowledge and understating about Southeast Asian nations is one of the cornerstones of the ASEAN-Korea Center.

Recently, the center and the Thai Embassy visited students at Hwasoo Elementary school in Goyang City to promote knowledge and understanding of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN to Korean children.


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대종상 영화제에 모인 스타들


Stars shining at Grand Bell Awards opening ceremony




The opening ceremony for the Grand Bell Awards, South Korea’s oldest film awards, was held in Seoul on Saturday, with renowned actors joining the photo session and other related events.

The award ceremony of the awards, which mark its 47th edition this year, is slated for Oct. 29.

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韓여자축구, 일본 무너뜨리고 우승


Korea wins Women’s U17 WC title; no report from news wires




South Korea won their first World Cup title on Sunday after a thrilling penalty shoot-out victory over Japan at the U17 World Cup in Trinidad and Tobago.

The teams were tied 3-3 after 120 minutes, and again went 4-4 in the penalty shoot-out. In an extra-round penalty, Japan’s sixth kicker rattled the crossbar, and Jang Sel-gi comfortably converted the penalty to claim the country’s first ever FIFA trophy.

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2010년 9월 24일 금요일

名品상점과 갤러리가 즐비한 청담동


[Rediscover Seoul(96)] Luxury shops and galleries in Cheongdam-dong




Most agree that the first street for culture in Korea is Cheongdam-dong. Lining the street, beginning from the Galleria Department Store, are luxury shops and branching small alleys that provide a home for exotic wine bars, cafes, and restaurants. Keep your eyes peeled in Cheongdam-dong as you may come across Carrie Bradshaw from “Sex and the City.” Now, let’s explore today’s Cheongdam-dong, a little New York in Korea.


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한국 F1의 잠재적 가능성 충분해


Celebrity racer sees bright future for Korea F1




Ryu hopes Korea’s first F1 Grand Prix at Yeongam circuit will draw many fans

South Korea’s first ever Formula One Grand Prix is only a month away from its Oct. 24 start date, but the world’s most expensive sport is not understood by many in this country.


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벤처기업 TPC


TPC explores new fronts in automation




TPC Mechatronics Corp., a maker of factory automation equipment, has expanded its presence in the local market with a diverse lineup of products.

The venture firm saw its sales jump more than 40 percent in the nine months to March, outstripping Festo of Germany as the second-largest in the Korean market.


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스페인 반도에 부는 '한국어 열풍'


Spanish take first Korean proficiency test




BARCELONA, Spain -- Spain for the first time held the Test of Proficiency in Korean this month along with 23 other countries, becoming the 39th ninth in Europe to conduct the examination.

TOPIK, administered by the Korean government, is a certification test on the use of the Korean language for people who do not speak Korean as their mother tongue.

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韓, "日넘고 우승으로 보답하겠다"


Korea within reach of first World Cup trophy




South Korea made it to the final of the U17 Women’s World Cup for the first time by edging out Spain 2-1 on Wednesday. Korea will now face Japan on Sunday, who beat the defending champion North Korea 2-1 to reach its first World Cup final.

The odds are in favor of the Korean side as they won 1-0 against the Japanese in their Asian qualifying game. Also, in their Group C tie, Japan lost 4-1 to the Spanish side before advancing to the second round of the tournament.

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타이타닉 좌초, 빙하가 아니라 조수의 실수?


Titanic sunk by human error, not an iceburg




The Titanic hit an iceberg in 1912 because of a basic steering error, and only sank as fast as it did because an official persuaded the captain to continue sailing, an author said in an interview published on Wednesday, according to Reuters.


Louise Patten, a writer and granddaughter of Titanic second officer Charles Lightoller, said the truth about what happened nearly 100 years ago had been hidden for fear of tarnishing the reputation of her grandfather, who later became a war hero.

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짐승돌 2PM, 11월 일본 진출


2PM eye Japan debut in November




Waning K-pop boy band 2PM are hoping for one last hurrah in the land of the rising sun.

Japan’s Sankei Sports emblazoned its Wednesday edition with the headline “Asia No. 1, 2PM to debut in Japan.”


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2010년 9월 23일 목요일

천재시인 이상 출생 100주년 기념회 열려


Exhibitions commemorate 100th anniversary of Yi Sang’s birth




He was a writer, a poet, an artist, a genius and a modern boy.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yi Sang, a man of a million talents who greatly influenced Korean culture in many aspects, including literature and art.


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자식에게 모국어를 전수하는 다문화가정 여성


Migrant mothers pass on mother tongues




There are certain first moments that are magical for mothers: The birth of their first child, when their child makes first eye-contact, their child’s first steps, and the first time their child says the word “mother.”

For Tsagaan Ankhtuya from Mongolia, that last magical moment took four years.

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생고기 옷에 이어 회고기 옷까지?


A homage to Lady Gaga: sashimi dress




Actress Kate Walsh appeared on NBC's "The Tonight Show" wearing a sushi and sashimi dress -- along with sunglasses, a ring, a bracelet and shoes--as an homage to Lady Gaga, according to news reports.


"This is a shout out -- an homage - to Lady Gaga."


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지난주 해외 엽기스토리 모음


Weird stories of the week




Almighty toaster gains popularity

A bread toaster, which creates and burns an image of Christ on each slide that it toasts, has been sparking keen public interest since its release last week.


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폭탄버거에 이은 내장 파괴자?


Gut buster burger shocks netizens




A local TV program introduced a super-high-calory burger called "gut buster burger," shocking South Korean internet users.

One gut buster burger, according to the KBS 2 "Sponge 2.0" show, offers 1,887 calories.

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韓, 무적함대 물리치고 결승 진출


S. Korea makes historical advance to final at Women’s World Cup




South Korea advanced to the final of the U-17 Women’s World Cup after winning against Spain 2-1 on Wednesday.

The victory marks the first time for South Korean footballers to reach the finals in a FIFA-organized tournament.

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60대 여성, "홧김에 고양이 던져 죽였다"


Woman faces criticism for killing neighbor’s cat




A woman in her 60s, not identified both by surname and first name, has been in hot water after she dumped her neighbor’s Chinchilla cat, named Judy, owned by a spouse living upstairs, from the 13th-floor window and killed on the spot.


The police, located in Bundang, Gyeong-gi Province, was quoted as saying in a press conference on Friday the 68 year-old woman, had been accused of property destruction without detention.


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2010년 9월 17일 금요일

Youtube를 뜨겁게 달군 꼭지점댄스


Dancing toddler hits Youtube




A video of a cute girl dancing Korea's popular ‘gok-ji-jeom’ dance has become one of the most viewed videos on YouTube.

The 2-minute-video shows the dancing toddler jumping and turning and inspiring other adults nearby. The solo dance becomes a group dance joined by people from the whole village.

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스마트폰 증후군↑, 각별한 주의 요망


‘Smart pain’ on rise among phone users




With the introduction of smartphones, people are now filling spare moments working, Web searching, blogging or playing mobile games.

However, some smartphone users may face an unexpected side effect pain in their fingers and wrist.

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세계에서 가장 추한 동물들


The ugliest animals in the world




The Blobfish
This little guy looks more like a cartoon character than a fish. The Blob fish has very few muscles and move very slowly, floating like a jelly fish. To eat, the Blob fish waits on the bottom of the ocean for prey to pass by. (
Science Discovery.com)

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세계적 번역가가 말하는 번역의 의미


Translation is an artistic process, Russian-Turkish translator says in forum




Located on the northern coast of the Black Sea, Crimea was a place to dream for a young Russian girl.

She knew there was an unknown world across the sea: Though all she could see was dark water, her static radio would often catch the sound of the country across the horizon. “It was the sound of prayers on Turkish radio,” said world-renowned translator Apollinaria Avrutina, “I fell in love with the sound.”

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韓-EU FTA 최종 타결


EU approves FTA with Korea




BRUSSELS -- The European Union (EU) approved a free trade agreement with South Korea on Thursday, clearing the way for the accord to be signed in the near future, diplomats said.

Foreign ministers from the 27-member bloc agreed to allow the trade pact to take provisional effect on July 1, 2011, as
Italy dropped its veto in return for a six-month delay to the treaty's start, they said.

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2010년 9월 16일 목요일

前필리핀 대통령, "통일세 도입에 찬성"


Ex-Philippine president supports unification tax




Former Philippine President Fidel Valdez Ramos called President Lee Myung-bak’s recent proposal of a unification tax “truly commendable” Tuesday while expressing confidence that the reunification of the two Koreas is bound to happen.

“I regard as truly commendable President Lee’s proposal of the special tax ― to be levied on South Koreans ― to fund the anticipated cost of reuniting with North Korea,” Ramos, 82, said during a
meeting with reporters in Seoul.

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한-유럽 FTA, 올해 안에 비준 어려워


‘Korea-EU FTA unlikely to take effect this year’




The free trade agreement between Korea and the European Union is unlikely to take effect within the year due to opposition from Italy, Trade Minister Kim Jong-hoon said Wednesday.

“Plan A was to put the pact into effect within the year and it had EU’s agreement, but it now looks difficult for the plan to go ahead,” Kim said. He added that the EU supported the plans to bring the pact into effect as soon as possible and that such sentiments were expressed as recently as two or three weeks ago.

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한국드라마, 세계에서도 인정받는다


Korean drama goes global on YouTube




YouTube and Korean production company Group Eight are forging Hallyu history with their pact to produce and launch the video-sharing website’s first global-scale, exclusive TV-style drama.

Group Eight, the company behind the smash hit series “Boys Over Flowers,” is looking to extend the life of their drama “Naughty Kiss” which is currently airing on MBC by launching a special version of it into the YouTube stratosphere.


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홍콩으로 잠적한 신정환, 왜?


Shin does not wish to return to Korea: agent




Troubled singer and entertainer Shin Jung-hwan does not wish to return to Korea, his agency announced Wednesday.

IS Enter Media Group said that Shin’s manager visited the 35-year-old Shin in Cebu, Philippines and asked him to explain what has been going on but Shin did not answer. Shin’s final decision, however, was that he presently has no desire to return to Korea, according to the manager.


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CCTV에 포착된 유령, "소름돋아"


'CCTV captures ghost in pub'




The Daily Mail carried out a spooky story about an object seen as a ghost, which was recorded in a CCTV installed in a pub that used be a funeral parlor.

When a landlord living in Cumbria, a province in northern England, was spooling though his CCTV footage, a chill went down his spine and he turned
white, as though he had seen a ghost, the report said.


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2010년 9월 15일 수요일

터키 패셔니스트, “선덕여왕 즐겨보는 한류매니아”


Turkish fashion icon shares his passion, culture




He calls himself an “ethnic” designer. From layered stone jewelry around his wrist to an exceptionally glossy pair of black leather shoes, Cemil Ipekci does not hide who and what he is -- everything he is wearing is from his motherland: Turkey.

“To be civilized and modernized does not mean copying
Western culture,” Ipeckci said last week, visiting Korea for the first time as one of the delegates for Culture 20 (C20), a meeting of leading cultural figures of the G20 countries. “Nobody would accept you if you don’t stay close to your roots.”


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명품女 진실공방, 과연 그 끝은?


Is reality TV real?




Controversy rages over woman dubbed Korea’s Paris Hilton

Claims from a wealthy woman in her 20s, who was featured on a reality cable
TV show as a daughter of rich parents showing off luxury goods worth 400 million won ($344,560), have sparked controversy on whether the reality show was faked.


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피겨퀸 김연아, "내달까지 새코치 영입"


Kim Yu-na to decide on coach next month




World figure skating champion Kim Yu-na will name her new coach possibly early next month, her agent announced on Tuesday.

Kim has two or three candidates in mind, according to her agency AT Sports.

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