2009년 11월 30일 월요일

앙드레김 베스트 스타 어워드



Renowned Korean designer Andre Kim is known for his ability to put top-notch stars who rarely show up in public events on the catwalk for his shows...



read full article:  " Andre Kim show features stunning line-up of stars "

다국적 아티스트들, 한국의 경계를 뛰어넘다



Conventional standards like nationality are becoming more and more meaningless in our time for defining individuals.

More than 1.2 million expats are living in Korea today and that, of course, includes those who are artists.

Some of them, who have already blurred the border of their "home" countries by settling down in Korea, are set to break more cultural limits.




read full article: "Erasing boundaries in Korea through art"

2009 Hip Hop in Lotte World-All Night Party


Korean Hip-hop impresario Tiger JK of Drunken Tiger will lead The Movement crew in a rap-fueled takeover of Lotte World next month for a pair of concerts.

Joining him will be his wife and former Uptown member Yoon Mi-rae (Tasha) and the rap duo of LeeSsang at the Garden Stage on Dec. 19 and 20 in southern Seoul....



read full article:  "Rap-fueled takeover of Lotte World, Seoul"

2009년 11월 27일 금요일

올 겨울 발레와 서커스의 만남, '시르크 넛'



How compatible is classical ballet and circus? Can ballet dancers work with circus players on the same stage? Find out for yourself when "Cirque Nut" opens at an exclusive theater here next month....




read full article: "Ballet meets circus in 'Cirque Nut'"


혼인빙자간음은 더이상 죄가 될 수 없다?

"Court rules seduction law invalid"


The Constitutional Court (헌법재판소) ruled yesterday that a clause (법 조항) in the country's criminal law that penalizes a man who lures a woman into sexual relations through a false promise of marriage, is unconstitutional (위헌의).

Six of the nine justices (재판관) at the court ruled that Clause 304 of the law, which was enacted 56 years ago, is in violation of the basic law...



read full article:  "Court rules seduction law invalid"

코레일 철도 파업 이틀째 돌입



Unionized railway workers (노조) went on an indefinite strike (무기한 파업) yesterday after they failed to narrow differences with management over issues involving salaries, working conditions and fired employees...



read full article:  "Railway workers go on strike "




화학적 거세, 과연 정당한 것일까?


The debate over how to respond to the sexual abuse (성폭행) of children recently caught fire following a brutal child rape case.


Among the overwhelming suggestions to prevent the continuance of such crimes, the most controversial issue is that of chemical castration (화학적 거세) for repeat sexual offenders against children....



read full article:

"Debate heats up on introducing chemical castration for pedophiles"

자연과 역사, 이벤트가 있는 올림픽 공원



Whenever you visit Olympic Park, you are guaranteed beautiful scenery. Even though we are on the brink of winter (겨울의 가장자리), the park does not feel that cold. People wear winter clothes, but young couples and children play on the grass, and plenty of people still walk the paths of Mongchon Fortress (뭉촌토성)...



read full article:  "Enjoy nature and history at Olympic Park"


2009년 11월 25일 수요일

장기하와 얼굴들 첫 콘서트



No one expected Jang Ki-ha and Faces to become pop-culture icons when they released their DIY mini-album "Cheap Coffee," in May of 2008....




Read full article:  "Jang Ki-ha reflects on debut through 'drama' concerts"

이번 크리스마스를 위한 클래식 뮤지컬


The Nutcracker (호두까기인형), one of the most performed ballets of the holiday season, is a fairy tale based on the story "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King" by E.T.A. Hoffman and set to music by Tchaikovsky. This new version is infused with an unmistakably Korean flare (한국 특유의 빛, 색깔), while keeping the most important elements of the classical production...



read full article:  "New take on Christmas classic"

내 아이의 시민권을 위해서라면...



The recent revision bill of the nationality law may once again be encouraging Korean parents to attempt to provide their children with the benefits of U.S. or Canadian nationality. Traveling to the United States to give birth has long been in vogue (유행) among affluent Korean women, which led to a steady (꾸준한)  increase in the number of related agencies and local Korean obstetricians (산과의사) available....



read full article: "Parents go long way to give children dual nationality"

2009년 11월 24일 화요일

아우디 코리아 겨울 무료 점검 실시!

Audi Korea is offering free checkups from today until Dec. 11.

During the period, Audi technicians will look over 30 items including tires and brake systems free of charge.

The company is also offering a 20 percent discount on parts that are purchased during the period.

The offer excludes A6 and A8 models registered before Nov. 23, 2005.

In addition, the company is cutting the price of tires by 10 percent, and giving away a tire with every three tires purchased during the period.


Those who recieve checkups during the period will also be able to enter a draw to win a chance to test drive Audi vehicles at a later date.   (cheesuk@heraldm.com)



From The Herald Korea


나무들의 겨울나기



Workers wrap up rose bushes in straw in preparation for the winter season at a park in southeastern Seoul yesterday. [Lee Sang-sub/The Korea Herald]




오프라 윈프리 쇼 막 내린다



The media mogul (거물, 황제) Oprah Winfrey will end her daytime talk show "The Oprah Winfrey Show" in 2011 (자신의 토크쇼를 2011년까지만 진행할 것이다). The New York Times reported on Nov. 19 that Winfrey will end the show to start a new cable channel. Winfrey's production company, Harpo, confirmed (확인하다) the news on Thursday evening and added that Winfrey would make an announcement (공식발표, 성명서) about the news on her show on Friday. The Times said the plans were first reported by WABC, the ABC station in New York City....



영어뉴스 따라잡기 read full article:  "오프라 윈프리 쇼 막 내린다"


강원도 원주 갤러리 카페 아코자에서 만난 예술과 삶



WONJU, Gangwon Province - Su Jeoung sits across from me, arms resting on the table, beret nicely in place, and smiles calmly. "My life is with pizza, coffee, and art," she says. An interesting comparison, to say the least. Su said she has received a lot of inspiration from travelling. "I had many good experiences traveling. There is one purpose - to see art, to enjoy art - the United States, Paris, Norway, Italy, Germany - those created good feelings for my future business"...



Read full article:  "Art, life in Wonju"



2009년 11월 23일 월요일

뉴문, 올 겨울 극장 점령




Korean filmmakers have every right to be complacent (흡족하다)  about their new offerings toward the end of the year as the market share of local films was a respectable 60-plus percent between August and October, helped by the strong box-office performances of Korean hit films including "Haeundae" and "Take-off"....




Read full article:  "Hollywood dominates winter lineup"

국회위원들 아프간 파병 지지



Legislators of the National Assembly's foreign affairs (국회 외교통상 위원회) and defense committees (국방위원회) were exceedingly in favor (압도적으로 찬성했다) of the government's latest decision to dispatch (파견하다) military forces to protect civilian aid workers who will help rebuild Afghanistan...



영어뉴스 따라잡기 read full article:  국회의원들 아프간 파병 지지 

관악산- 남서울의 거인




Gwanaksan is a mountain to the south of Seoul. When Joseon officials designated Seoul as the capital 600 years ago, they turned their back on Bukhansan and made far-off Gwanaksan the city's boundary. Gwanaksan's ridges (산등성이soar (높이 솟다) upward, so that it looks like the sharp backbone of a dinosaur. The problem is that the sharp ridges also look like flames. Those who chose the capital feared that the mountain could actually cause the city to burn.....




read full article:    "Gwanaksan - Seoul's southern giant"

한국 음식의 한류를 위한 7가지 단계



Every government rallies (집결하다) with the private sector to support its traditional cuisines. In Korea, the effort to globalize traditional dishes began with the government's official declaration of "Hansik Globalization" in October 2008. Now the mission of globalizing hansik has emerged as one of the most valuable propositions in creating a new value-added rural economy (농업경제), sharing growth with the tourism industry....


read full article:  A 7-step guide to globalizing Korean food

2009년 11월 19일 목요일

오바마 방한, FTA 재협상에 초점



U.S. President Barack Obama should use his summit meeting (정상회담) with Korean President Lee Myung-bak during his two-day visit to Seoul to clarify Washington's position on the pending (현안의, 미결정의) bilateral (양측; 한미) free trade agreement (FTA; 자유무역협정), experts said yesterday....



read full article: Obama under pressure to clarify FTA stance 

프레타포르테 부산, 19일 개막!



Pret-a-Porter Busan, Korea's second-largest fashion event, kicks off today and continues through Saturday at BEXCO....



read full article:  Pret-a-Porter Busan starts today




2009년 11월 18일 수요일

외국 만화로 보는 한국의 모습


Two Englishmen who dress up as a tiger and a bear to explore Korean society now have some company, in the form of the Tiger and Bear comic strip.


read full article: Interpretations of Korea



동대문 vs 남대문 쇼핑!



Koreans' knack (솜씨) for fine needlework and craftsmanship has been a boon (혜택)  to the country's tourism. Moderate prices added, the country counts among Asian tourists' favorite shopping destinations...


Read Full Article:  Shop until you drop 

2009년 11월 17일 화요일

한국, 관광객도 인종타별



한국, 관광객도 인종차별

Koreans tend to (~하는 경향이 있다) show greater hospitality (친절, 환대) to Western tourists than to their Asian neighbors (주변 아시아 국가보다 서양에서 온 관광객들에게), the Korea Culture and Tourism Institute (한국 문화관광연구원) said yesterday....


read full article:  한국, 관광객도 인종차별   

2009년 11월 16일 월요일

e-book을 향한 한국의 도전





Korea's e-book market has long been dormant(휴면상태). Even though there have been a handful of attempts to kick-start the potentially huge market in the past few years, the parties involved - writers, readers and publishers - did not pay much attention.



read full article:   Korea grapples with shift to e-books

먹는 초롱꽃속


My recent visit to Seoraksan, the highest mountain in Gangwon Province, was a revelation for me. The beauty and grace of the majestic mountains took my breath away.


read full article: Bellflower root and autumn fruit

성균관대 수시 입학시험


Applicants(응시자들) for early admission(수시) to Sungkyunkwan University sit for an essay test yesterday at the school’s Seoul campus. [The Korea Herald/Park Hae-mook]

철학을 입은 영국 아티스트


Often it takes more than just artistic skill to become a world-renowned artist. After talking with Martin Creed, you might wonder if an artist needs to be philosophical as well...


read full article: British artist gets philosophical  



2009년 11월 13일 금요일

이탈리아 요리와 막걸리의 만남





"Why does makgeolli need to go outside Korea?"

When asked about the global potential of makgeolli, Giuseppe Barone, owner of the Sicilian restaurant Fattoria delle Torri, stayed true to his "Slow Food" roots, stressing the importance of locality*...



*locality: 산지

read full article:  Italian dishes coupled with 'makgeolli'

2010 수능과 신종플루


Amid rising concern over the spread of the H1N1 flu virus, about 637,600 students took the annual state-run College Scholastic Ability Test yesterday at 1,124 schools across the nation....


read full article: College exam is on, flu or no flu


'루저'여대생 뜨거운 논란


A college student is in hot water as her televised statement that "short men are losers" is spreading all over the internet community and has even triggered* a lawsuit...


*trigger: 일으키다, 자극하다


read full article:  'Loser' girl in hot water  

2009년 11월 12일 목요일

이젠 막걸리 빵까지?


Last week, I went on a field trip to the eastern coastline of Korea for two days with the Corea Image Communication Institute. We visited a cement factory - yes, a cement factory - that is run by a French company. I learned some pretty baffling* facts about the making of cement, but surprisingly, I also learned about some fascinating aspects of Korean specialty foods.


*baffle: 당황하게 하다


read full article: Makgeolli bread?

학교에선 백신 접종 시작


Vaccinations against the H1N1 flu virus started yesterday at elementary, middle and high schools nationwide, the National Disaster Prevention and Countermeasures Headquarters (중앙재해대책본부) said...


read full article: Flu vaccinations start at schools



이 꿈 꾸면 복권 사야한다


A dream is worth a million won


When Lee Yeong-hoon woke up one morning, the first decision he made before even getting out of bed was to buy a lottery ticket...



read full article:A dream is worth a million won

2009년 11월 11일 수요일

'Battle of Bands'


Thrash it out in the 'Battle of Bands'



With the harsh winter chills lapping on our doorsteps, the temptation to venture out in the evening is proportional to the risks of freezing to death for the sake of going to the pub for a quick pint. Okay, maybe no one is going to freeze to death, but no one will argue that it was uncomfortably cold last week....



read full article: Thrash it out in the 'Battle of Bands'



시험을 위한 핸드폰 친구

Examinees rely on 'mobile buddies'


Kim Yoo-jin, a 26-year-old education college graduate who is preparing for the national teacher's examination, has hardly spoken to anybody aloud over the past few weeks. The only person she communicates with these days is an anonymous mobile text message friend, whom she has never met.


read full article: Examinees rely on 'mobile buddies' 

2009년 11월 10일 화요일

김장훈 독도위해 기부

A pop singer's crusade for Dokdo



A singer, as well known for his donation as for his singing career, has contributed another 300 million won ($258,620) to promoting Korean sovereignty* over Dokdo in the East Sea, an area long disputed by Korea and Japan....


*sovereignty: 주권


read full article: A pop singer's crusade for Dokdo  




멸종위기에 놓인 호랑이

Seoul asks Russia to donate Siberian tigers



The government has recently requested that Russia donate three Siberian tigers in an effort to prevent the genetic isolation* of the endangered animals.


* genetic isolation: 유전적 격리


 read full article: Seoul asks Russia to donate Siberian tigers

가을의 끝자락

A last gasp of autumn




This week could be your last chance to get out of the city and meander* through a beautiful fall-colored forest. And with last week's pre-winter preview of what's in store for the next four months, don't expect to be the only one wherever you decide to go...


*meander: 정처없이 거닐다.




read full article: A last gasp of autumn



2009년 11월 9일 월요일

어메이징 코리안 푸드 페스티벌


The first annual Amazing Korean Table festival came to a close last weekend.


read full article: Hansik food fest pushed the envelope 

홍대 캐슬프라하와 체코문화의 만남


Castle Praha, perfect fit for Czech center



The new Czech Info Center is probably the most unique European cultural center in Korea and perhaps even in East Asia...


read full article: Castle Praha, perfect fit for Czech center 


낙태반대 운동


Campaign against abortion 



Early this month a group of young doctors declared a war against abortion, which is illegal but rampant* here.


*rampant: 만연하는


read full article here: Campaign against abortion 



2009년 11월 6일 금요일

장동건과 고소영

Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young a couple



Two of Korea's top stars, Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young, confirmed on Thursday that they are a couple. Responding to news reports about the rumor, Jang's management agency said that the two stars had feelings for each other since they shot the film "Love Wind, Love Song" together in 1998...



read full article: Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young a couple  

Blood Drive, 헌혈


Security guards* at the presidential office of Cheong Wa Dae donate blood yesterday to help ease* shortages* caused by public concerns about the spread of the H1N1 flu virus. [Lee Gil-dong/The Korea Herald]



*security guards: 안전요원

*ease: 경감

*shortages: 부족함




시들해진 해외 유학 붐

Overseas schooling trend fading


Sending children abroad for educational reasons had been a popular option for tens of thousands of parents fed up with the ceaseless*, not to mention costly, daily rounds to private education institutes, or hagwon.


*ceaseless: 끊임없는


read full article: Overseas schooling trend fading


행복으로 가득 찬 롯데월드



 Lotte World filled with happiness all year



When they think of amusement parks*, people usually imagine fun and exciting childhood memories. However, theme parks* are not just for children. They are also fun places for the parents who bring their children and for young couples out on a date. Jamsil Lotte World in Seoul is one such place.



*amusement parks, theme parks: 놀이공원



read full article: Lotte World filled with happiness all year 


2009년 11월 5일 목요일

한국 바베큐의 미래


Two-star chef Bottura sees promise in Korean barbecue



Two-Michelin Star chef Massimo Bottura sees great potential in Korean barbecue. "The thing you have to focus on, I think, is the Korean barbecue," said the 47-year old Modena native...



read full article:  Two-star chef Bottura sees promise in Korean barbecue

그림, 그려보아요


'Anyone can draw'




Chang Seok-won, better known by his pen name "Bob Chang," belongs to a small, exclusive group of artists who have achieved celebrity status in a fairly short period of time. How fast? He is a widely regarded as an illustrator but he started drawing in 2005...



read full article: 'Anyone can draw'