2010년 11월 30일 화요일

무선 모바일 인터넷 서비스 산업에 뛰어든 LG Uplus


LG Uplus to expand wireless networks




LG Uplus announced plans to sharply expand its mobile Internet networks Monday as the nation’s smallest wireless carrier strives to catch up with industry leaders in coping with exploding data traffic.

To offer nationwide high-speed mobile Internet coverage by 2012, the company will double the number of wireless-fidelity access points, which relay wireless data to mobile devices, to 2.5 million and increase WiFi zones in public spaces from 16,000 to 80,000 in the same year.


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친환경 의류 매장 '대지를 위한 바느질'


Nice day for a green wedding




Did you know that an average person generates 12 tons of carbon dioxide in a year? How about the CO2 generated in an average wedding?

A single wedding is said to produce 14.5 tons of carbon dioxide from food waste, traffic jams and honeymoon.


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한국 상륙한 파라과이 응원女, "한국 남자와 데이트하러 왔어요"


Paraguayan soccer fan in Korea to be swept away




Paraguay’s world renowned soccer fan, Larissa Riquelme, arrived in Korea last week for her dates with three Korean men, said a marriage consulting firm Monday.


According to Sunoo, the 25-year-old model arrived in Incheon on Saturday, for her one week stay in Korea. Here she will go on dates with the three Korean men, chosen out of 1,592 applicants worldwide, starting Tuesday.

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美 국무부, "반기문 총장에 대한 정보 수집 지시"


‘U.S. diplomats ordered to spy on U.N. chief’




The U.S. State Department ordered diplomats to gather intelligence on the U.N. leadership, including Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and on possible ties between U.N. members and terror groups, according to news reports.


Citing a U.S. diplomatic cable leaked by WikiLeaks, a website devoted to revealing secret documents, the Guardian said the department called for intelligence on Ban’s “management and decision-making style and his influence on the secretariat” as well as for detailed biometric information “on key U.N. officials.”


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이 대통령, "北, 대가 치르게 될 것"


N.K. will pay for future provocation: Lee




President Lee Myung-bak on Monday said South Korea would make North Korea pay a price for any future provocation, denouncing the North’s artillery attack on civilians as a “crime against humanity.”


“A military attack against civilians is strictly prohibited even in times of war; it is a crime against humanity,” Lee said in a national address televised live Monday morning.


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2010년 11월 29일 월요일

남성의 시선을 한 번에 끄는 방법은?


Red lips grab men’s attention: Study




Spend just five seconds in front of a mirror and you should grab men’s attention, new research suggests. Men are most drawn to a woman’s lips over any other facial features, the Daily Mail reported Thursday.


According to research by Manchester University, if she’s applied lipstick, then he will find it even more difficult to look away. A dash of pink lipstick will hold his attention for 6.7 seconds and red will keep him fixated for 7.3 seconds.


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중국에 현지공장 세우는 현대車


Hyundai Motor begins to build third China plant




Hyundai Motor Co. on Sunday began works on its third plant in China with an annual production capacity of 400,000 units.

Following its completion, scheduled for July 2012, Beijing Hyundai’s annual production capacity will be increased to 1 million units, the company said.

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파라과이 응원女, 남자보러 서울온다


Paraguayan soccer diva will come to Seoul for a date




Larissa Riquelme, the famous Paraguayan soccer fan from the 2010 World Cup, will come to Seoul on Monday, Nov. 29 to meet three suitors chosen from among 1,592 applicants for a date with her.

Despite the North Korean artillery attack on South Korean island of Yeonpyeong, she decided to return to Seoul. She called Sunoo, the Korean match-making agency which initiated her date, when she heard the news of the North Korean attack to decide whether she should visit Seoul or not. She decided to come to Seoul after hearing an explanation from Sunoo of the history of relations between two Koreas over the past 57 years.

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실제 애인이 로보트라면?


Robot to replace real girlfriend




There are a growing number of robot enthusiasts asking for the user-friendly bed partners, British paper The Sun reported.

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대규모 한미 합동훈련, 한반도 긴장 최고조


South Korea, U.S. begin sea drills




South Korea and the U.S. began their four-day joint military exercise in the West Sea on Sunday in a strong display of force against North Korea amid heightened tensions following the communist state’s bombardment of a South Korean border island.


The large-scale maneuvers with the deployment of the aircraft carrier USS George Washington got underway as the North continued to harden its bellicose rhetoric against the two allies, warning of “unpredictable consequences” for the exercise.


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연평도 긴장 최고조.. 철수하는 국내외 취재진




Journalists leave island as tension rises over sea drills




The Defense Ministry on Sunday asked some 200 domestic and foreign journalists to leave Yeonpyeong Island by the end of Sunday, citing the possibility of additional North Korean provocations amid the South Korea-U.S. military drills in the West Sea.

After the communist state’s deadly shelling of the island on Tuesday, the journalists flocked to Yeonpyeong to cover the devastation and souring tensions on the peninsula.

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2010년 11월 26일 금요일

한국인, "권장 섭취량 2배에 달하는 소금 섭취"


Old habits lead to high salt intake




Korea’s fermented foods and unique eating habits mean its people consume twice the recommended intake of sodium every day.


And despite recent health-conscious trends, the sodium intake shows no sign of decreasing.


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하나금융, 4조 6888억에 외환은행 인수


Hana Financial takes over KEB for W4.68tr




Hana Financial Group chairman Kim Seung-yu signed a contract to take over Korea Exchange Bank from U.S.-based Lone Star Funds in London on Thursday.

The financial group said it will acquire a 51.02 percent stake in KEB for 4.68 trillion won ($4.17 billion) after going through regulatory endorsement by early next March.


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아프리카서 건너온 정상 마라토너, 드디어 시민권 얻다


Burundian refugee gets Korean citizenship


A Burundian refugee was granted citizenship after spending the past seven years in Korea, Justice Ministry officials said Thursday.

Buzingo Donatien, a marathon runner, initially came to Korea in 2003 to participate in the Summer Universiade in Daegu. But when civil war broke out in his home country, taking the lives of his parents, he sought asylum in Korea.


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北 도발사태, 김정은 업적 쌓기용?


N.K. strike appears tied to succession




Latest reports are adding weight to the view that North Korea’s attack on Yeonpyeong Island Tuesday, which is largely thought to have been premeditated, was connected to the regime’s power succession.


A South Korean government official reportedly said the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il and his heir Jong-un on Sunday had visited an artillery battalion that supervises the Gaemeori base from where the shells were fired.


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北 도발에 미온적인 태도로 일관하는 중국


China rebuked for tepid stance on N.K. attack




While the rest of the world is heaping criticism upon North Korea for unleashing a barrage of artillery on a civilian-inhabited South Korean island, China again appears to feel differently about its unpredictable neighbor.

Despite the obviously preemptive strike by Pyongyang that left four South Koreans ― two marines and two civilians ― dead and hundreds of others escaping to the mainland for protection, Beijing has so far remained passive about condemning its former war ally, simply expressing concerns and asking both sides to stay calm.


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정부, "서해안 경비 강화, 교전수칙 수정 검토"


Seoul to bolster West Sea forces, revise enemy engagement rules




President Lee Myung-bak accepts resignation of Defense Minister Kim Tae-young


The South Korean government on Thursday decided to beef up combat forces in the West Sea area and revise the rules of engagement to better prepare against further provocations by North Korea.


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2010년 11월 25일 목요일

KT,노키아지맨스와 손잡고 전략적 제휴 합의


KT, Nokia Siemens form partnership




KT Corp. and Nokia Siemens Networks signed an agreement to form a strategic partnership on networks, solutions and applications in southern Seoul on Wednesday.


As part of the effort, Nokia Siemens, a global telecommunications solution provider, will establish a Smart Lab here next month, which would be used for conducting joint studies.


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美,日,英 정상들, "中, 북한 제재 동참해야"


Obama, Kan, Cameron call on China to take firm stance on N.K.




U.S. President Barack Obama told President Lee Myung-bak over the phone Wednesday that China should take a more firm stance on North Korea, a day after the North’s artillery firing killed two marines on a South Korean island.


“President Obama said China should take a more resolute stance on North Korea and that he would speak to the Chinese leadership for more cooperation in dealing with Pyongyang,” Lee’s spokesperson Kim Hee-jung said in a press briefing.


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북한 도발에 대한 이대통령 반응을 두고 논란


Lee's response to N.K. attack stokes controversy




President Lee Myung-bak’s response to North Korea’s artillery firing on Yeonpyeong Island on Tuesday toughened up with time, stoking controversy over the change of tone or possible misrepresentation by his aides.

Lee’s office initially said the president instructed his senior secretaries to take measures to prevent an escalation of the armed clash, but later said he ordered a “manifold retaliation” and even a strike on a North Korean missile base if necessary.

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북한의 비인간적 공격에 보복 다짐한 국민들


Angry S. Koreans call for retaliation against N. Korea




North Korea’s deadly artillery attack on a front-line island Tuesday left South Koreans in shock and fear of further provocations, also angering some who are demanding immediate retribution against the belligerent communist state.

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2010년 11월 24일 수요일

세계적 패션 모델과의 만남

Modeling arduous, but Korea friendly


Fashion models travel everywhere. They may be in Paris one day and in Tokyo the next ― if that is where they are offered a job. But as soon as models choose to come to Korea, they discover that the work is underpaid and requires long hours.

Fashion models Federico Wainerman of Argentina, Vera Shatokhina of Uzbekistan and Maria Zagorodshay of Russia told The Korea Herald that they keep coming back to Korea because “it keeps calling them.”

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미스 성형 대회 헝가리서 열려


No room for natural beauties at Miss Plastic Hungary 2010




Can I please see your medical notes from your plastic surgeon?

This unusual question will be the first thing asked of beautiful Hungarian girls who want to participate in “Miss Plastic Hungary.”

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[속보] 연평도 민간인 2명 사망 확인


Two civilians killed in Yeonpyeong Island: report




Two civilians appeared to have been killed by North Korea’s shelling of Yeonpyeong Island in the West Sea on Tuesday, YTN Television reported.

The Seoul government is yet to confirm the deaths of civilians on the border island near the clash-laden marine border with North Korea.

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2010년 11월 23일 화요일

"한국 문화를 세계로" 이배용 국가브랜드위원장


Korea should now highlight its culture




The recent hosting of G20 summit in Korea was a prime opportunity to promote the country on the global scene as the leaders of 32 countries, business figures and international media converged in Seoul.


While the post-G20 summit data are not yet available, a survey conducted after the announcement of Korea as the host of a G20 summit showed that 65 percent of the respondents were aware of Korea, a figure that is significantly higher than the 47 percent awareness recorded before the announcement, and it is reasonable to assume that awareness about Korea abroad increased after the international event.


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일본 NHK 러브콜 받은 아이돌 스타들


K-pop singers to star in NHK’s year-end show




Many K-pop bands are stirring up the so-called new Hallyu, or Korean Wave, in other Asian countries and are being invited to various year-end ceremonies and TV shows in Japan.


Big Bang, KARA and Girls’ Generation are likely to appear in “Kouhaku Uta Gassen,” meaning “Red and White Song Battle” in Japanese, which is NHK’s flagship year-end TV show. The program features the most popular artists in Japan each year.


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욘사마 소유 주택 공개되 "화제"


Hallyu star Bae’s newly purchased house revealed




Hallyu megastar Bae Yong-joon’s newly purchased house was revealed on KBS TV show “Park Soo-hong and Choi Won-jung’s Yeo Yoo Man Man


The house, located in Seongbuk-dong -- one of the most affluent districts in Seoul -- was revealed to be a sleek and luxurious two-floored building painted in white.


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FIFA 정몽준 회장, "2022년 한국 월드컵 개최위해 도움 절실"


Chung keen on support for 2022 World Cup bid




FIFA Vice President Chung Mong-joon announced Monday that he needs nationwide support to help bring the 2022 World Cup to Korea.

“I think we have a great chance and I’m confident that we can host the 2022 World Cup here,” Chung said in a news conference at the Korea Football Association in Seoul.

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2010년 11월 22일 월요일

BMW 코리아, 새 디젤차로 컴백


BMW Korea to sell new diesel 7-Series




BMW Korea announced Tuesday that it will begin selling the 7-Series diesel models and 730d and 730Ld on the local market.

The vehicles are fitted with 3-liter, twin-turbo diesel engine that puts out 245 brake horsepower. The vehicle’s top speed is 245 kilometers per hour and the 730d can reach 100 kilometers per hour from a standing start in 7.2 seconds, the company said.

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케냐, "한국의 모습을 배우자"


Kenya looks to Korea model as it seeks to be Africa’s growth center




NAIROBI Kenya expressed its strong willingness to expand strategic ties with Korea, as part of its long-term plan to develop into a growth model for African countries.

Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki is pushing for an ambitious growth drive after successfully easing ethnic conflicts through a power-sharing accord signed in 2009.

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韓, 세계적 反흡연 물결 따라가나?


Korea trailing world in antismoking policies




Unlike in South Korea, graphic warnings depicting corpses and babies affected by secondhand smoke are found on some of the proposed labels for U.S. cigarette packs in 2012.

This measure would effectively place the U.S. among 39 other countries with progressive tobacco regulations, including graphic warning labels. Canada was the first to adopt the measures in 2000.

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바다와 사막이 조화를 이루는 오만으로 오세요


Oman, where beaches meet deserts




Oman is more than oil reserves, it is a country filled with a rich, ancient heritage and unique tourist destinations that will stay with you forever.

“Oman is a country of enormous diversity and natural beauty, and has much to attract the tourists with an enviable infrastructure, a wide range of international hotels and a wealth of things to see and do,” said Oman Ambassador Mohamed Salim Alharthy.

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2010년 11월 19일 금요일

피아니스트 김지용, 무대에 서다


Pianist Jiyong a model of talent and passion




Stylishly dressed and wearing layers of gold necklaces around his neck, young pianist Kim Ji-yong, also known as Jiyong, rather looks like a K-pop idol. Playful and confident in manner, he knows how to awe his fans, saying things like, “Without you I wouldn’t be here ― I love you all,” with showmanship that reminds you of a TV entertainer.

But he becomes nothing but classical once he sits in front of a piano, playing Liszt with depth and self-revelatory intensity. Suddenly, there is no TV personality but a genuine, utterly passionate spirit for music.

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2010년 11월 18일 목요일

JYJ, 이상형을 밝히다


Us Magazine reveals JYJ’s ideal women




JYJ, a Korean boy group formed by Junsu, Jaejung and Yuchun of the disbanded TVXQ, seems to be gaining popularity in the United States after the success of their first showcase in New York last week.


Us Magazine.com featured an interview with JYJ on Monday, in which the trio revealed their ideal women.


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음악으로 몸을 치료하다


Music therapy useful at schools, offices




Envisioning calm emerald oceans and peaceful flower gardens with butterflies while listening to harp, violin and piano sounds is not exactly what music therapy is all about.


“That’s meditation, not music therapy,” flutist Seo Dong-bum told The Korea Herald.


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軍보트 전복.. 장병 3명 숨져


At least three soldiers die in boat capsizing




A military boat capsized during a rivercrossing excercise on the Namhan River in Yeoju, Gyeonggi Province, leaving three soldiers dead and one unconscious, the Army said Wednesday.

The boat belonging to an Army engineering unit under the Fifth Corps overturned at around 3:50 p.m. It was carrying eight soldiers.

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삼성 이재용 부사장, 삼성의 미래를 책임진다


Samsung heir set for promotion




Samsung Electronics’ chairman Lee Kun-hee on Wednesday said that his only son Lee Jae-yong will he promoted at the end of this year, touching off observations that the younger Lee was a step closer to inheriting the Samsung empire.


The 42-year-old executive vice president is expected to become president at Samsung Electronics when Samsung undergoes a year-end reshuffle.


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2010년 11월 17일 수요일

세계서 가장 비싼 집 베스트10


World’s 10 most expensive houses




$1 billion                                                                                                                    Antilla Mumbai is currently the most expensive house in the world. Mukesh Ambani, India’s richest man is the owner of this massive 27- story building. Mukesh is a chairman of Reliance Industries, with a net worth of $27 billion. The building is named Antilla, after the mythical Atlantic island. The building has three helipads, nine elevators, a cinema, a crystal-bedecked ballroom, safe rooms and three floors of parking space.


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대표팀, 중국 누르고 8강 직행


More than just a gold medal




It was a different class of a goal. When Park Chu-young slotted a curling free-kick around the defensive wall into the right corner of the net past the helpless Chinese goalkeeper, the more than 44,000-strong home crowd suddenly became silent.

On Monday, Park made it 2-0 four minutes into the second half against China in the Asian Games last 16 to help Korea beat the host 3-0 and advance into the quarterfinals.

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박태환, 200m 이어 400m자유형 휩쓸다


Swimmer Park wins second gold in Asiad




Korean swimming champion Park Tae-hwan won the Men’s 400 m final Tuesday to claim his second gold medal at the Guangzhou Asian Games.


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세계 유명 사진작가 방한


Photographer captures Korea’s industrial heart




Usually focused on construction sites, motionless cityscapes or solemn-faced families, Thomas Struth’s photographs may seem rigid and cold at first glance. They are not exactly the type of works that greet viewers with open arms.


Concentrating on the photos carefully for several more minutes, however, you will gradually recognize the profound, hearty and even witty messages in them, which offer to tell us much more.


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세계적 락스타들, 곧 방한예정


Sting, Clapton, Iron Maiden to play in Seoul




Calling all rock fans: get ready to mark your calendars as a trio of legendary rock outfits are headed for Seoul at the start of 2011.


It is going to be a British invasion from January to March with Police frontman Sting, guitar “slow hand” Eric Clapton, and metal gods Iron Maiden stepping onto the stage of the nation’s default venue for all high profile concerts, the Olympic Park’s Jamsil Arena in southern Seoul.


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LG전자, "이달 말까지 스마트 TV 출시"


LGE to roll out smart TVs early




LG Electronics is set to roll out smart television sets by the end of this month to join the intensifying competition at both home and abroad, company sources said Tuesday.


The world’s second-largest TV maker previously planned to release smart TVs early next year, but the schedule was brought forward as rivals are already in the market targeting savvier consumers.


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부유층에 대한 세금 감면 제동걸고 나선 여당


GNP puts brakes on tax cuts for wealthy




The Lee Myung-bak administration’s iconic tax cut policy is stumbling over objections from within the ruling Grand National Party that the current tax rates for those in the top income bracket should be retained.


Tax cuts were Lee’s key campaign pledge and most of them have been carried out already. Income tax rates were lowered by 2 percentage points for those earning 88 million won or less in taxable income. Corporate tax rates were trimmed by 3 percentage points. An income tax cut for those making more than 88 million won in taxable income and an additional corporate tax cut for companies with more than 200 million won in taxable profits, however, were deferred until 2012.


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2010년 11월 16일 화요일

고대서 명예 박사학위 받은 메드베데프 대통령


Medvedev gets Korea Univ. honorary Ph.D




Russian President Dmitry Medvedev received an honorary doctoral degree in law from Korea University on Thursday.


Korea University officials said the degree was given in recognition of the Russian leader’s contribution to social stability and economic development and peaceful international relations.


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핀란드 항공사 Finnair, 항공편에 태블릿 PC 탑재


Finnair offers tablet PC iPad on some routes




Finnair, Finland’s national carrier, announced Monday that it will enable its business class customers to experience Apple’s popular tablet PC iPad beginning this month, making it the first European carrier to do so.


The iPad service will be available on its Hong Kong-Helsinki route and at its lounge at the European hub Helsinki Airport for people traveling business and first class.


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北 탈북자 수 20,000명 돌파


N.K. refugees in South surpass 20,000




The number of North Korean refugees who entered South Korea passed the 20,000 mark, Seoul’s Unification Ministry said, with many of them still struggling to adapt to the capitalist society.


About 20,050 North Korean refugees have entered South Korea since the establishment of the republic in 1948 as of Monday, the ministry said.


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여군 최초 UN 평화유지활동국 진출한 최경희 중령


Female officer assigned to U.N. PKO office




A female Army officer will be dispatched this week to a U.N. office handling its peacekeeping operations, becoming the first female South Korean officer to assume a role at the organization’s unit, the Defense Ministry said Monday.

Lieut. Col. Choi Kyung-hee, who had worked at the Defense Intelligence Agency in Seoul, will leave the country Tuesday to work as a capability development officer at the Policy and Doctrine Team of the Department of Peace Keeping Operations, based in New York, for the next two years.


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한-페루, FTA 가서명..자원.기술협력 방안 논의


Korea, Peru sign preliminary free trade pact




South Korea and Peru signed a provisional free trade deal Monday, as leaders of the two states discussed ways of expanding technology and resources exchange during summit talks in Seoul.


Upon the second visit to Seoul by Peruvian President Alan Garcia Perez, the two countries also reached preliminary deals to expand cooperation in science-technology and environmental protection, South Korea’s presidential office Cheong Wa Dae said.


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소녀시대, 공정위 노예계약 조사 참석할까?


Girls’ Generation may testify over contract




The Fair Trade Commission said Monday it was considering questioning the nine-member K-pop band Girls’ Generation regarding unfair artist-management agreements known as “slave contracts” allegedly prevalent in the entertainment industry.


The anti-trust watchdog affirmed that it was considering the group’s testimony regarding the matter that had been brought to national attention by popular boy band TVXQ since 2009 when they became embroiled in a legal tussle with former management, SM Entertainment.


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