2010년 11월 29일 월요일

파라과이 응원女, 남자보러 서울온다


Paraguayan soccer diva will come to Seoul for a date




Larissa Riquelme, the famous Paraguayan soccer fan from the 2010 World Cup, will come to Seoul on Monday, Nov. 29 to meet three suitors chosen from among 1,592 applicants for a date with her.

Despite the North Korean artillery attack on South Korean island of Yeonpyeong, she decided to return to Seoul. She called Sunoo, the Korean match-making agency which initiated her date, when she heard the news of the North Korean attack to decide whether she should visit Seoul or not. She decided to come to Seoul after hearing an explanation from Sunoo of the history of relations between two Koreas over the past 57 years.

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