2010년 12월 31일 금요일

한국 카페의 매력에 빠진 외국인


A restless mind in ‘caffeinated Seoul’


Photographer captivated by beautiful, eclectic scenes of cafes in the capital


A thorough plan may assist the achievement of a goal, but it is not always a recipe for success.


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삼성 선동렬 감독 감독직 사퇴


Sun steps down from Samsung




Legendary pitcher Sun Dong-yeol has resigned as manager of Samsung Lions, the club announced Thursday.

Former Tigers pitcher Sun, 47, stepped down after six years in the role. He won the league title in his first year as manager in 2005, and then again in 2006. He helped the team finish second in the eight-team league last season.


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KT, 올레1호 위성발사.. 고품질 방송서비스의 길 열다


KT puts broadcast satellite into orbit




KT Corp., the country’s biggest fixed-line service operator, announced on Thursday it successfully launched a new broadcast satellite from the Guiana Space Center in French Guiana.


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에티오피아 참전 용사 아들, 한국 유학 소원 성취하다


Ethiopian veterans of Korean War honored through scholarships




A Korean university plans to annually give descendants of Ethiopian veterans who fought in the Korean War full scholarships for university programs, officials said Thursday.


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북한 특전병력 20만.. 2년 사이 무려 10배 증가


N.K. boosts numbers of special forces




North’s navy conducts drill aimed at occupying S. Korean border islands: report


North Korea has increased the number of its special warfare troops by 20,000 to 200,000 over the last two years, according to South Korea’s defense white paper released Thursday.


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2010년 12월 30일 목요일

문화재청, "광화문현판 제작과정 문제없다".. 야당 최문순 의원 "명백한 부실 제작"


‘Gwanghwamun plate was rushed’




Just about three months after its unveiling ceremony on Aug. 15, Liberation Day, the newly restored Gwanghwamun plate is showing cracks.


So far, two crevices one next to the character “gwang” and another near the “hwa” are visible to the naked eye.


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한진그룹 조양호 회장 차녀 에밀리 조, 임원승진..


Korean Air promotes chairman’s daughter




Korean Air, the country’s top air carrier, promoted a total of 45 executives on Wednesday, seating its chairman’s youngest daughter Emily Cho as a vice president.


The yearend reshuffling included promotions of one executive vice president, one senior vice president, 16 managing vice presidents and 27 vice presidents.


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심형래 "라스트갓파더," '영구'의 마법 통할까?


Shim’s slapstick comedy aims to revive ‘Young-gu’ character




With a huge mole on his face and a broken front tooth, former star comedian Shim Hyung-rae’s slapstick character “Young-gu” was everyone’s favorite in the 1990s.


Wearing tattered pieces of hanbok and a pair of black rubber shoes, the kind-hearted chucklehead character was adored by kids and parents alike.


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중국 현대車, 올해만 70만대 이상 팔려.. "예상 판매실적 초과"


Hyundai China sells 700,000 units




The country’s largest carmaker Hyundai Motor Co. announced Wednesday that it had sold more than 700,000 units in China so far this year.


China is the first overseas market in which Hyundai has sold more than 700,000 vehicles in a single year, the company said.


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北 변화 유도하는 정부, 통일정책 추진


Seoul shifts policy focus to reunification




Unification Ministry careful to avoid saying South seeks absorption of North Korea


The Seoul government has shifted the focus of its policy on North Korea to preparations for unification, though in a cautious way to avoid stoking speculation that the South may be seeking to absorb the North.


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2010년 12월 29일 수요일

코리아헤럴드 온라인이 꼽은 베스트기사 10


Herald Online top 10 stories in 2010




The Korea Herald introduces the most popular national news appeared the newspaper’s website in 2010.


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폭설로 마비된 서울시내, 이번엔 한파까지.. '이중고'


Snow sends Seoul grinding to halt




Heavy snow fell on Seoul and surrounding areas early Tuesday morning causing traffic disruptions on land and in the air. More snow is expected to fall across the country on Wednesday night, the weather agency said.


A cold spell will grip the country again Thursday, continuing through New Year’s Day.


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여성 35%, 성폭력 위협 느껴


More than 35 percent of adult women fear sexual violence




More than three out of 10 adult Korean women fear sexual violence, according to a government survey released Tuesday.


The survey found that 35.6 percent of the women questioned fear suffering sexual violence, an increase from 28.1 percent in a 2007 survey.


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헌재, "미네르바 사건, 위헌.. 표현의 자유 존중되야"


Top court backs ‘Minerva’




The Constitutional Court on Tuesday ruled an article of the Telecommunications Law criminalizing those who distribute misleading content online unconstitutional.


The groundbreaking ruling is expected to help Park Dae-sung, more commonly known as online economic pundit “Minerva,” and several others regain their honor.


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이 대통령, 소외계층 돕는 자원봉사자들 격려


Lee encourages sharing with the neglected




President Lee Myung-bak and first lady Kim Yoon-ok on Tuesday invited volunteers helping North Korean refugees, migrant women and migrant workers to the presidential residence in a bid to encourage community service and philanthropy.


“The government does its best to reach out to people in need of help, but blind spots are inevitable,” Lee said during the luncheon with about 200 volunteers and sponsors of migrant people.


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2010년 12월 28일 화요일

박주영 무릎부상, 대표팀 공격진 "빨간불"


Park’s injury worries national team




The Korean national football team arrived in Abu Dhabi and began its weeklong training schedule Monday ahead of the Asian Cup in Doha Qatar, which kicks off Jan.7.


All Europe-based Korean players, including Park Ji-sung of Manchester United, joined the team for training Monday. But there’s a big absence at the training camp ― AS Monaco striker Park Chu-young.


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인기드라마, 베스트셀러로 이어진다?


Shortcut to bestseller: Put it on popular drama




The talk of the town in the book industry is the classic novel “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” which marked a sharp rise in sales and landed on the bestseller list of major online and off-line bookstores all of a sudden.


The reason behind the unexpected popularity of the Korean version of the book published by Minumsa, which was printed five years ago, is SBS’ mega-hit TV soap opera “Secret Garden.”


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저렴한 셀프 주유소에 몰리는 운전자들


More drivers choose self-service gas stations




Lee Sung-chan, a 34-year-old office worker who commutes from Seoul to Suwon by car, recently began using a self-service gas station in Seoul.

“I thought I had to because I have no other choice but to drive to work every day. The gas price hike has been a burden for me and now I feel like I’m saving some money,” Lee told The Korea Herald on Monday.

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라잇나우 허경영, "다음 대선에도 출마하겠다"


“Master Huh” to run in 2012


Huh Kyung-young, nicknamed “Master Huh” for his eccentric behavior, announced he will run for the 18th presidential race in 2012.


Huh, a candidate in the 17th presidential race, has drawn media attention in the past with his unusual remarks and behavior.


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다음 대통령 선거 준비하는 빅근혜


Park seen making head start




Most popular presidential hopeful launches think tank


Rep. Park Geun-hye of the ruling Grand National Party has begun to hit her stride for the presidential elections in 2012 by launching a think tank Monday to map out her campaign policies.


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2010년 12월 27일 월요일

다빈치 '모나리자' 실제로 눈썹있다?


‘Mona Lisa’ had eyebrows after all




Da Vinci’s secrets and creations on show in central Seoul


Contrary to modern belief and rumors, including one that it was a fad among Italian women at the time to shave their eyebrows, it turns out that Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” may have actually had eyebrows when it was first painted.


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정부 규제 불구하고 무겁게 치솟는 서민 물가


Fuel, food prices fan inflation fears




Soaring costs of fuel, food and other commodities are raising concerns about inflation, especially in prices of necessities, complicating the government’s efforts to shore up recovery and curb risky capital inflows.


International oil prices hit the highest levels in more than two years on Friday and are expected to rise further on strong demand and falling inventories.


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2011년 인피니티 EX 공개되


2011 Infiniti EX launched




The 2011 model Infiniti EX hit the local market on Tuesday.


In the latest version of the crossover utility vehicle, Infiniti has replaced the five-speed transmission with a seven-speed automatic transmission.



롯데마트 치킨 파동 이후 붉어지는 초저가 음식들


Price debates spill over to coffee, pork




Price disputes stirred by ultra-cheap chicken by Lotte Mart are spilling over into coffee, pork and other popular products.


On Dec. 17, the Chicken Franchise Committee revealed the cost of raw chicken and other expenses in response to consumer complaints about their prices being two to three times that of Lotte’s 5,000 won set.


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2010년 12월 24일 금요일

올해 도시형 자동차 판매 증가, 자동차 업계 '스마일'


City car sales set to rise to new high




City car sales are set to reach record levels this year, industry data showed Thursday.

According to the Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association, 144,520 city cars were sold here by the end of November, marking an increase of 16.8 percent compared to the same period last year. During the same period, overall passenger car sales increased by 6.1 percent.

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해외에 한류 문화 전파하는 korea.com


Hallyu website aims to link Korea with the world




Korea.com website seeks profits from covering IT, medical tourism businesses


Korea.com, an English website specializing in “hallyu,” or the Korean Wave, seeks to become a center of communications between Korea and the world by widening its coverage extensively to information technology, culture and tourism.


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현대 예술 작품을 한 눈에.....


Exhibition offers contemporary art at a glance




If you want to see the whole range of contemporary art instead of individual aspects, the exhibition “World Stars in Contemporary Art” at Hangaram Art Museum in Seoul Arts Center in Seocho-dong, southern Seoul, is a good choice.


While high profile exhibitions usually focus on a single artist or group, the exhibition showcases 200 artworks by 185 world-renowned artists ― from pop art creator Andy Warhol to leading figure of the younger art generation Damien Hirst ― offering a summing up of contemporary art at a glance.


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연말 연시 숙취 해소, 그 비법은?


Hangover remedies: Korean style




You are awake, although you cannot open your eyes because of all the mascara goop gluing your eyes shut. Your body feels heavy and sluggish, your mouth feels like a desert, you are dying for some water and your head is throbbing.


All the stupid mistakes you made the night before at the party slowly come back to you but before you can even start to regret any of that, a swirling stomachache tells you to make a run to the bathroom. Yes, this is the beginning of your dreadful day hugging the toilet.


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강남의 허브, 강남 U-street


Gangnam U-street lifts year-end mood




This is the fifth of a five-part article on the main attractions in Gangnam-gu, southern Seoul, which came into the spotlight as a venue for the G20 summit. ― Ed.


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학교 무료급식... 이데올로기 戰 양상으로 번지나?


Free school meals ignite ideology war




When Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon said Tuesday that he will accept the controversial free school meal ordinance if he loses a poll, observers noted that it was a “declaration of war over power and ideology.”

Oh has been less than sympathetic toward the ordinance championed by liberal education superintendent Kwak No-hyun and passed by the Democratic Party-held Seoul Metropolitan Council last month. The directive would provide free school meals to all elementary, middle and high school students. Oh has repeatedly said only students from low-income families should benefit from the program.

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2010년 12월 23일 목요일

세계적 마술사 이은결, '데이비드 코퍼필드를 뛰어넘어 세계 최고의 마술사가 되겠다"


Magician in search of new horizons




Lee Eun-gyeol seeks new tricks to outdo the best of David Copperfield


How do you define “magic?”


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대만 태권도 양쉬진, 3개월 출전금지 처분.. 양쉬쥔, "억울하다"


Yang gets 3-month suspension




Taiwanese taekwondo athlete Yang Shu-chun received a three-month ban from all international events by the World Taekwondo Federation, Taiwan’s sports governing body announced Tuesday.


The decision came after Yang attended the WTF’s sanction committee hearing last week in Seoul. The 25-year-old athlete was disqualified from the Asian Games for using extra sensors in her socks.


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나날이 성장하는 국내 야외용품 의류시장


Korea’s outdoor clothing climbing to fashion heights


From waterproof coats to hiking pants, outdoor clothing is basking in surging demand from Koreans young and old who are increasingly turning to a sporty look and spending more time doing leisure activities.


The outdoor market has emerged as the sole bright spot in the apparel sector. The industry is still feeling the pinch from the economic slump in 2008-09 that saw scores of clothing makers go under.


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부드럽고, 슬림한 초미니 담배 '나노컷'


BAT rolls out slim, milder Dunhill




British American Tobacco Korea will launch a new milder king-size super slim cigarette in its Dunhill Nanocut line on Dec. 27, the tobacco firm said Wednesday.


With less nicotine, the new Dunhill Nanocut 1mg will provide consumers with an opportunity to experience the premium slim cigarette with a mild and smooth taste, BAT Korea said.


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해군, 3일간 동해서 해상훈련 실시


Army to stage largest-scale air, ground exercise today




Navy begins maritime drill in East Sea


The navy began a three-day maritime exercise in the East Sea on Wednesday as part of efforts to prepare against unpredictable North Korean provocations, officials said.


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2010년 12월 22일 수요일

소셜 네트워크와 스마트 TV의 완벽한 조화


Social networking to drive smart TV




Samsung, SK announce Cyworld tie-up for Korean market


Social networking services are moving beyond computers and smartphones and now featuring a combination with smart television.


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혜초스님의 "왕오천축국전", 1283년만에 고국을 찾다


Silla travelogue gets brief Seoul showing




A travel diary by an 8th-century Korean monk is in Korea for the first time, a full 1,282 years after it was penned. Currently owned by the National Library of France, the manuscript is exhibited on temporary loan to the National Museum of Korea.


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연평도 사격 훈련 관련, 엇갈린 여야 반응


Parties divided over live-fire exercise




Rival parties Tuesday continued to bicker over the nature of the live-fire drills conducted on a border island a day earlier, highlighting their ideological differences.


The ruling Grand National Party maintained that it was a regular exercise that the South has carried out since 1974 and part of its sovereign right.


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軍 ,北 추가 도발 경계 태세 예의 주시


South Korea stays alert for possible N.K. provocations




The South Korean military was maintaining heightened vigilance for possible North Korean provocations Tuesday, a day after its live-fire exercise on Yeonpyeong Island near the tense western sea border.


It put on the highest alert its troops around Aegibong, a mountain peak located just three kilometers from the North, as a Seoul church held a ceremony Tuesday night to turn on Christmas lights on a steel tower there for the first time in seven years.


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軍복무 기간, 21개월로 잠정 결론


Military service kept at 21 months




The government has cancelled a plan to shorten the mandatory military service period for the Army and the Marine Corps to 18 months by 2014, keeping it at 21 months from February to prevent the weakening of military capabilities amid continued provocations by North Korea.


Service periods for the Navy and the Air Force will be maintained at 23 months and 24 months, respectively, starting next month.


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2010년 12월 21일 화요일

카라/소녀시대, 日매출 나란히 1,2위 기록


KARA and Girls’ Generation scoop ‘Rookie of the Year’ awards: Japan




Popular Korean girl groups, KARA and Girls’ Generation have successfully entered the Japanese music scene.

According to the annual ranking by Japan’s Oricon music chart, KARA has taken the No. 1 spot for the rookie artist with the best sales revenue.

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드라마 '제빵왕 김탁구', 만화 '이끼' 2010 콘텐츠 어워드 수상 영예


Eight works receive top presidential content awards




Eight original content producers including that of popular TV drama “Bread, Love and Dreams” received top presidential awards for their creative works at the 2010 Korea Content Awards on Monday, the Culture Ministry said.


The annual awards, hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Creative Content Agency, are conferred to creative content producers in six areas ― overseas contribution, broadcast and visual content, comics, animation, character development and digital content.


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휘발유 가격 리터당 2천원 돌파


Oil price hike raises concerns




South Korea’s gasoline price reached its highest in two years and four months on Sunday as international crude oil prices rise and the cold weather increases demand.


According to the Korea National Oil Corporation, the price of regular unleaded gasoline was 1767.6 won ($1.5) per liter on Sunday, which showed a 27 won increase from the week before. The diesel price for the same day was 1566.3 won, up 24.8 won from last week.


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UN 안보리 긴급회의, 합의점 도출 실패


U.N. fails to find solution to Korea tensions




With members widely split over North Korea’s growing belligerence, the U.N. Security Council failed to agree on a statement addressing tension on the Korean Peninsula as South Korea went ahead with live-fire drills Monday despite Pyongyang’s grave warning.


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北, "軍사격훈련 대응할 가치 없다" 평가 절하


N.K. says no need to react to firing drill




South conducts live-fire drill in West Sea vowing to retaliate to any strike by North


The South Korean military went ahead with its live-fire exercise on Yeonpyeong Island on Monday, brushing aside North Korea’s repeated threats of “deadlier” retaliatory strikes.


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2010년 12월 20일 월요일

산업디자인계 거장 디터 람스의 작품을 한 눈에.....


Apple’s source of inspiration: Dieter Rams’ simple designs on show




Radios, speakers, calculators and razors are neatly showcased at Daelim Contemporary Art Museum in Tongui-dong, Seoul. The 400 simple designs in mostly black and white bring to mind gadgets from a very popular brand: Apple.


The exhibition organizers must have found the similarity as well, because iPods and iPads can be spotted in every nook and corner of the show. All exhibits, regardless of whether they were produced several years ago or decades ago, are timeless and chic to fit in anywhere, anytime.


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SS501 김현중, 아시아버즈어워드 3관왕 달성


SS501’s Kim wins triple crown at Yahoo Buzz Awards




Korean pop star Kim Hyun-joong won three gongs at the 2010 Yahoo Asia Buzz Awards held Friday in Hong Kong.


Singer and actor Kim received Asia’s Buzz Male Popular Artist award and two trophies for Top Buzz Korean Artist in Hong Kong and Taiwan.


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국내 판매량 2백만대 돌파한 갤럭시S, 글로벌 판매량 천만대 코앞


Global sales of Samsung's Galaxy S smartphone to top 10 mln




Samsung Electronics Co. said Sunday that global sales of its Galaxy S smartphone will soon reach 10 million units, making it the world's second most popular smartphone.

The world's No. 2 mobile phone maker has sold more than 2 million units in South Korea alone, surpassing sales of Apple Inc.'s iPhone at 1.8 million, according to Samsung.

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일단 아파트에 임시 숙소에 살지만.. 안절부절 못하는 연평도 주민들


Yeonpyeong residents move into apartments




“I’m leaving here in the hope that the situation will get better. But I still don’t know what to do for the future,” a Yeonpyeong resident said while packing up for resettlement.


The 1,046 displaced residents of Yeonpyeong Island, which was bombarded by North Korea last month, ended Sunday their 27-day stay at a spa facility.


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한국 배우러 멀리서 온 아프간 공직자들


Afghan officials learn Korea’s experience




Relaxed and well spoken, a young Afghan translator said that he was taken aback by the love the Korean people showed him during the 12-day education program in Korea.


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