2010년 12월 9일 목요일

韓美, "北도발 관련, 연합훈련 계속 될 것"


S. Korea, U.S. to continue joint drills, refine Seoul's leading role against local provocation




Military chiefs from South Korea and the United States agreed Wednesday to continue joint drills to effectively deter North Korean aggression and refine Seoul's leading role in dealing with local provocations, giving the South more authority in the case of future attacks by the North.


In a joint statement issued after their talks in Seoul, Gen. Han Min-koo of the South's Joint Chiefs of Staff and his U.S. counterpart Adm. Mike Mullen said they "agreed to primarily refine the ROK-supported, U.S.-supporting plans for local provocation in order for the alliance to resolutely respond to further North Korean aggression."


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